•Chapter Twenty Eight•

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The freckled teen gasped, looking at the heavy breathing ash blonde, and the other blonde on the ground.
He couldn't believe what was going on.
How did Bakugo know where he had gone off too?
Did he see him leave??
Was he following him the whole time??

"Tsk, you stupid idiot!"

"Your lucky I know you well enough!"

Bakugo yelled, storming over to the greenette getting ready to scold him more.
But once he got a couple inches further, Izuku had already pulled him into a hug.
Never the less he had never been more grateful to see his Kacchan.

"T-Thank you."

"But... My mom. "

"Those fucking bastards have her?"

"That's what earlier was about..."

Katsuki trailed off, but before he could come up with a further idea on what he could do, the other blonde was already up and running his stupid ass mouth.

"Deku, get your ass over here now. "

"Yes Si-"

"Zuzu don't. "

"Stay.... with me. "

Bakugo ordered, freezing the freckled teen in his tracks.
He cringed at the fact that he had to order Izuku, but he needed to.
He wasn't gonna allow Midoryia to be taken and used like that ass-hole was doing before.

"Tsk, NOW DEKU!"

"S-Sorry Si-"


"Fucking stay right here!"

Katsuki ordered, grabbing ahold of the greenette's scarred hand, this time.

"P-Please just s-stop. "

"This i-is hurting me. "

Midoriya begged, but he wasn't talking to the fake Katsuki, he knew any sane person would be.

But that was because he knew Katsuki would listen better then the other ass-hole.

Katsuki went to reply, but a certain Raven hair teach intervened.

"I'm sorry Midoriya but we can't do that. "

"You need to come with us. "

The underground pro, sent a punch straight into the other blondes face, and then a kick to the side making him fall straight on the ground with a loud grunt.

"I understand you believe you have to do this, to protect your mother. "

"But we can protect you and her, but we won't be able to if you don't stay. "

"Don't fucking listen to him slut, once they see how dirty and useless you are, they'll throw you away. "

"Especially him!"

Sir growled before whistling small tune, confusing everybody.
Up until....

"Ooh come on Izu~"

"Don't you wanna come back to us?"

The vampire girl exclaimed, jumping out behind a bush.

"Yeah Izu, I promise I won't mess you up to bad."

Dabi teased, coming out of no where as well.

"Your not getting your hands on him!"

Bakugo screeched, setting off some explosions trying to seem threatening enough, to hopefully get them to back off away from Izuku.

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