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I wake up laying on my couch. It's 2:30 in the morning. My laptop is still sitting on my lap but it's about to fall. I quickly shut it and set it on the coffee table then got up and made my way to my bedroom. I crawled onto my mattress and made sure my phone was on it's charger on my nightstand before letting myself drift to sleep..

Around 8am, I was up and in the shower. I even blow dried and loosely curled my hair and put some mascara and lip gloss on. 

I found a loose, green t-shirt and some light grey jeans with rips in the knees and put it all on

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I found a loose, green t-shirt and some light grey jeans with rips in the knees and put it all on. I picked up my converses and sat on the edge of my bed to slip them onto my feet..

When I was actually ready, it was 9:30, giving me just enough time to get down to the coffee shop to meet Harry.

I grabbed my phone, wallet, and a light blue jean jacket then left the house. I took a cab and arrived at the shop at 9:50

10 minutes to spare! Better to be early than on time, if you ask me

I fix my hair one last time then go into the coffee shop. At the same table we sat at yesterday, I see Harry. With two cups of coffee. I walk over happily and he smiles and looks up when he notices me.

He stands, gives me a gentle side hug, then we both sit.

"Hey, you look lovey" he tells me and hands me my coffee

"Thanks, so do you.. I love that shirt. What're those tattoos?" I motion to the tattoos peeking over his unbuttoned shirt.

 What're those tattoos?" I motion to the tattoos peeking over his unbuttoned shirt

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He pulled the top of his shirt open a little, revealing two sparrows.

"oh, those are beautiful" I smile and lean a little over the table to admire them.

"I have many more.." He motions to his arms. I nod.

"Yeah, I noticed them yesterday.. I've only got one." I tell him a little shyly

"Where is it?" He gives me a slightly confused look.

"On my lower hip, actually. I got in almost 9 months ago... I think I've got a picture, here.." I take my phone out and unlock it. I go to my photos and start scrolling..

After just a few moments, I find the picture and bite my lip.

"Okay, so, don't like.. think of this as weird or anything.." I tell him and he smiles and says "it's fine, just show me!" 

I turn my phone around and he raises his eyebrows a little as his eyes scar the picture..

I turn my phone around and he raises his eyebrows a little as his eyes scar the picture

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"Wow.. it's stunning." He breathes out

"Thanks.." I turn my phone back to myself and shut it off. He smiles a little then asks "How bad did it hurt?" I roll my eyes and say "not that bad! I'm not a baby!" 

He laughed and I swear, his laugh is so genuine and warming!!

"I bet you cried" he joked

"Did not! I bet you cried!" I said back

"The only one of my tattoos that actually hurt was my tattoo on my abs" He says

"Wait, what is it?" I ask, now curious

"Eh, I'll show you another time.. Might be a little weird in a coffee shop" 

Truly, Madly, Deeply In Love ~H.S.Where stories live. Discover now