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When I left the boys, I got a cab and decided to go to the mall.. I had a bit of money on me and felt like buying a new outfit. I'll wear it tonight at Harry's. I think the boys are gonna be there too? I don't know, maybe.

I pay the cab driver then walk towards the entrance of the mall.. I go to Forever 21 because, in my opinion, they have the best clothes..

When I get inside, I look around by myself until a worker comes over and asks if I need help finding anything.. "Oh, actually, I'm going to hang out with my friends tonight but I don't know what to wear.. Something casual, but cute.. and hot." I smiled at her and she nodded. "I've got just the thing.. and by what you're wearing now, It's just your style." 

I let her lead me over to a clothing rack that had cute crop tops on it and some shorter shirts.. She grabbed one that had long sleeves and it laced up the center. It was black with little cherries all over it. "You like this one?" I nodded and took it then we walked over to the jeans section.. She grabbed a darker blue pair with holes all down the legs. I shook my head 'no' so she put them back and looked for another.. Finally, we found a pair of baggy blue jeans that had butterfly designs on them. I absolutely loved them so I took them and hung them on my arm. Next: Shoes. I just got a pair of red and white converses.

I ended up trying it all on, and had the lady who I learned was named Teresa have a look at me to make sure it all looked alright together..

I ended up trying it all on, and had the lady who I learned was named Teresa have a look at me to make sure it all looked alright together

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"Oh, hun! You look great! Your friends will love this outfit!" She gushed

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"Oh, hun! You look great! Your friends will love this outfit!" She gushed

"Thanks for all the help.. let me change out of this then I'll meet you at the front desk." I smiled at her. She nodded and hurried off then I changed back into my clothes..

After paying, I carried my bag of new clothes out and went to sit in the foot court.. I got a smoothie and just sat to play on my phone and blow some time..

Then a guy walked over and said "hey, miss.. I couldn't help but notice you sitting alone.. Would you like to come join me at my table with my friends?" 

He had black curly hair, freckles, tall frame, skinny, and he was wearing a red flannel over a white t and a pair of blue jeans. "Uhm.. sure." I smiled at him and grabbed my bag and my drink. "I'm Lucas by the way" He smiled. "I'm Alexis"

We walked over to his table and he introduced me to his two friends, Ricky and Michael

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We walked over to his table and he introduced me to his two friends, Ricky and Michael. 

Michael had shorter brown hair, a pale face, a light pink shirt and grey jeans.

Michael had shorter brown hair, a pale face, a light pink shirt and grey jeans

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Then Ricky. He was wearing a grey hoodie, blue jeans, and he had brown hair. 


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"Hey.. I'm Alexis. Nice to meet you both"  I smiled and gave a shy wave. 

"Have a seat, darlin!" Ricky said. I was a bit surprised.. he's American aswell. Like, country

Then Michael said "Yeah, don't be shy. We're not too mean" 

He's American aswell.. unlike Lucas. He's British.

"Thanks" I smiled and sat with them, and Lucas sat next to me.

Truly, Madly, Deeply In Love ~H.S.Where stories live. Discover now