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Around 5 I decided to call Alexis. The boys and I were done with rehearsal and just kinda sitting around and talking.

"I'm gonna step out.. be right back" I announced as I grabbed my phone and got up. They all murmured something along the lines of 'okay' and I hurried outside. I stood, leaning against the building, and I called her.. A few rings, and she answers..

"Hey, Harry! What's up?" She talks kinda quietly.. It sounds like she's in a public place

"Not much.. just calling cause I miss you. Ready for tonight?" I respond and run my hand through my hair

"Aww.. and Yeah, I'm excited. I've got a whole new outfit.. I'm at the mall" She tells me

I smile a little. "You didn't have to go by stuff to wear.. you look good in the clothes you've already got"

"Yeah yeah but I felt like getting a bit dolled up for tonight.." She tells me. I can practically hear her smile through the phone. Ugh she makes me so happy.

Then I hear "Hey, who ya talking to that's making you smile so big?" in the background

She giggles and says "One of my mates.. You'd like him, Michael"

"Who're you with?" I ask, honestly just curious

"Oh, some people I ran into at the mall.. I was sitting alone, they invited me over. We've been sitting around for like two hours now." She giggles a little as she talks..

"Oh.. and.. they're nice?" I ask, kinda being protective

"yes, Harry. Don't worry. They're nice!" 

"Okay.. see you at six then?" I ask

"Of course.. and I can still hear your doubts, love. They're nice. They invited me to sit with them because I was alone. That's all. I swear. They're nice, they're treating me well." 

I smile a little and nod, even though she can't see me..

"Right.. Tell them all hello. See you at six, Alexis" 

"Okay. see you at six. muah" She makes a kissy noise and I grin.

"Muah" I say back

I hang up and suddenly hear aw-ing.

I turn around and find Louis grinning at me. I roll my eyes and put my phone in my pocket. "you gotta listen to my conversations, lou?" I ask jokingly mad. "I just walked out and heard the kiss noise.. it was cute" he shrugs. I nod and look at my feet, trying to hide my blush and my sorta awkwardness.

"Haz.. Don't gotta be awkward ya know." He tells me kinda quietly

"Yeah.. yeah, I know.. just don't know how to act.." I mumbled and finally look up to meet those blue eyes I used to adore so much.

"Go back to the way things were before.. We're friends. We're mates. Right?" He nods as he talks.. 

"Yeah.. right.. I know. Just hate that it ended up this way" I motion with my hands

"Yeah well.. it's better this way" We both nod to that.

Liam suddenly comes out with Niall and he says "Ready to go, boys?"

"Yep.." Louis nods

I make eye contact with him again then slowly nod.

Fuck.. sometimes I wish we never stopped being in love.. but he's right. We're better off now. And I'm so happy with Alexis. well. we're not together. We're happy though.

Finally, Six rolls around and Alexis comes knocking on the door. I let her in and stare in awe at her outfit.

"Oh.. my.. god.. You look amazing" I gush

She blushes but does a little bow and says "Thanks!" I laugh and pull her into a hug. We go in and Niall immediately comes running in, mouth stuffed with food, and he screams her name and scoops her up. She laughs and screams as he spins her. He literally tosses her over his shoulder and he swallows his food then screams "LIAM! I'VE GOT HER! LETS GO!" Then Niall takes off, running with her, and Liam chases after him. I laugh as she gets carried away up the stairs..

About 3 minutes pass and Liam comes down, a nerf gun in hand. 

"If you want your lady back, you have to fight for her!" He shouts, trying not to smile

Louis suddenly hands me a nerf gun aswell and he says "you can do this, Harry!"

And so I started having a battle with Liam.. We were ducking under the table and behind the chairs, dodging bullets, then I shot Liam right in the chest and he fell to the ground dramatically. I walked over, standing above him, and he fake groaned and said "Up the stairs and to your left, you'll find your last battle.. The blonde one has her captured.. bleehhhhhh" then he shut his eyes and 'died'. 

I rolled my eyes at his horrible acting then Louis said "Go to her! Save her from the Irishman!" 

I laughed and hurried up the stairs. In my room, I found her sitting on the bed, grinning like crazy, and Niall was talking about how I'd never be able to free her. 

I cleared my throat, pointing my nerf gun at him, and he turned and I burst out laughing. He had a pillow shoved up his shirt as a shield and in his hand was a toy sword. 

Alexis laughed with me and Niall groaned. "Don't laugh!! Play along!" He whined

"Okay.. okay, fine!... Let her go, Mr. Leprechaun!" I shouted

He rolled his eyes at the nickname then said "NEVER! Fight for her! Win her heart! If you lose, she's mine forever!" 

Then we started fighting.. and I won, of course. 

He fell dramatically to the floor, sitting on his butt and leaning against my dresser, then he said "Let the better looking man die.. and the ugly curly headed jerk off have the fair maiden"

I laughed and flipped him off then went to my lovely Alexis. She was on her knees, on the bed, and I wrapped my arms around her back. Then I felt a nerf bullet hit the back of my head. I spun around and said "HEY NO FAIR" but Niall said "HAHA I HAVE WON! YOU ARE DEAD! SHE'S MINE"

He fake limped off the floor and I looked at Alexis. She shrugged and said "Oh, the better looking man has won my heart and fought for me, fair and square! Let the curly headed boy fall to the floor and let the blonde Irishman carry me away!"

I rolled my eyes and sank to the floor. Niall grabbed her and she held on tight to him. They marched out of the room and I heard Niall making fake kissing noises. I laughed loudly and heard Alexis laughing aswell

Wow, we're so fucking childish.

We all decided to calm down and sit on the couch and watch a film.. Alexis was between Liam and I, Niall was sat on the floor, and Louis was in the recliner.. 

Don't get me wrong.. I really care about Alexis.. but damn, my eyes couldn't stop wandering over to a certain boy in the room.

Truly, Madly, Deeply In Love ~H.S.Where stories live. Discover now