Chapter One: A night to remember.

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Xander stood on a hill, overlooking his hometown. Xander lived in Zar a city deep in the forest where the sun was rarely seen in between the ginormous tree's leaves. Xander loved his home even though all he did there was get into trouble, there were some very fond memories in the town of Zar. Like the time Xander saw a shiny trinket in one of the merchant's carriages. How could he resist? The guards chased him for hours and Xander ran circles around them until they gave up.

Xander got a job as a messenger. It was only fitting due to his Amazon speed and stamina. Xander woke up every morning, right before sunrise, and took off running to deliver messages; and maybe snatch a thing or two here or there. Xander really couldn't help it, it was the one thing he was naturally born to do. Xander made his runs as usual, until he found a letter that was to be delivered to the Shia house.

"Well, well," Xander said excitedly, "today may just be my lucky day."

The Shia household was on the North side of town in the largest tree in the forest. One had to climb a ladder with several security checkpoints just to get to the front door. Even inside the house was said to have numerous booby traps. Nothing Xander couldn't handle.

Xander made his way across town, enjoying the lush forest he held so dear.

"This is my home." Xander said with a hint of pride as he continued down the narrow alleyways that littered Zar. Xander knew every road, every backstreet, and every nook or cranny that existed in his hometown. He had been exploring it since his birth. Even as a baby, he never managed to stay in the house for very long. As soon as he could climb, Xander climbed every tree he could. Which is likely why he felt more at home jumping from tree to tree than actually walking on the ground.

Xander stood at the base of the tree that sturdily held the Shia house on it's branches. Xander walked around the tree until he found the ladder and nimbly made his way up. He easily passed through every security checkpoint because of his messenger status. As Xander reached the front gates, a familiar face approached him.

"Watch yourself Xander. If there is even an insect missing from that house when you leave, I will personally ring your neck." Boar said warningly. Boar wasn't his real name, Xander knew, it was just what everyone called him. Boar was one of the guards that was regularly assigned to chase Xander around, which made him an enemy.

"Relax big guy." Xander said cooly, "All I want is to get today over with and take a big nap when I get home."

Boar stepped aside, but not before purposely bumping Xander's shoulder. "What a crag." Xander muttered under his breath.

The inside of the Shia house was an enigma of staircases and hallways. Xander didn't think he could get out quickly if he took anything. Xander made his way down the nearest hallway, guessing the architecture of the building. Eventually, by complete chance, Xander stumbled into a wide, open room with a mass of people inside chattering happily.

"Just my luck. A party." Xander complained. He proceeded to slide in between party goers, assuming someone of importance would be at the far side of the room. As Xander walked by a room, something caught his eye. Xander meandered in, trying to remain unnoticed. Xander entered a large room and in the center, there was a ruby. Xander nearly had a heart attack. The ruby was the crown-jewel of all thieves. The ruby was under a glass casing and was more than well guarded. Xander counted five guards. Piece of cake, he thought as he walked to the nearest guard. "Excuse me." Xander said as he tapped on the guards shoulder.

"What is it?" The guard said, obviously annoyed.

"Well I was just lost. How do I get to th-" Xander's words were cut off as he fell forward suddenly, grabbing a key from the guard's pocket.

"Are you okay?" The guard said, picking Xander up.

"Too many beverages I'm afraid." Xander said with a sly smile.

The guard laughed as he remembered when he used to drink too much.

Xander now had the key to the ruby, now all he needed was a distraction. There was a podium at the front of the room, which likely meant there would be a speech by one of the Shia family. Xander watched as several men carried a large cake that said: "Happy Birthday Charlotte!" Xander now knew who would be speaking, but he needs more information.

Xander snuck about the house, checking rooms for anything he could use in his ruby heist. As Xander entered an enormous room, he saw a photo of a man that looked almost exactly like him. The man had short, blonde hair and blue eyes. His hair was very spiky, however, while Xander's was just a mess. Xander went into the bathroom. This was the man's room, so it was likely that his gel was in there somewhere. Xander held a blue bottle up in triumph as he organized his hair exactly like the photo. As he looked in the mirror Xander began to think that he liked this new look. Now, he needed a name.

Xander clamored through drawers and closets, looking for any hint of the man's name. To Xander's ultimate surprise, a butler walked in.

"Ahh, Simon I thought you were on vacation in Elres right now?" The butler said nonchalantly.

"No." Xander said, his mind racing, "My carriage broke down on the way to the docks. I decided I no longer wanted to go."

"But you looked forward to it for so long."

"I know," Xander was recovering his confidence, "but sometimes life gets in the way. I have a lot of paperwork, so I will keep myself entertained for a while."

"Very well then." The butler said leaving the room.

Xander let out a pent up breath. He needed to be more careful than that. Xander now knew his counterpart's name as he went back to what he assumed was the ballroom.

The party goers rushed to get out of Xander's way as he approaches the podium. Xander kept a royal air about him, assuming that this man was very important. A guard walked over to Xander as if he'd known him his whole life.

"Knock 'em dead kid. This is your sister's big day you know."

Xander filed the information away as he began to act flustered.

"What is it Simon?" The guard asked, concerned.

"I seem to have lost my speech." Xander said while putting on a nervous smile.

"Hurry and go look for it then! Ask the other guards if they've seen it!"

Xander made his way back to the room with the ruby. This may become too easy. Xander thought happily as he approached the guards again, only this time, he was a completely different person. One could feel the aura of authority from a mile away.

"Guards." Xander said acting as if he had commanded the men forever. "I have lost my speech and I need you to find it."

Without a word the guards stumbled over themselves trying to do as Xander commanded. As soon as the guards had gone, Xander used the key to lift the case and, finally, take the ruby. Xander then pulled the message he was going to deliver to the Shia house and took his place at the podium. Xander made up the words as he went along, pretending that the letter was his speech:

"Hello everyone. My name as Simon, as you all well know." Xander started nervously, but then the speech came to him in a flash. "Today my sister has aged once again. It seems to me that she is transforming right before my eyes." Xander noticed as a beautiful blond-haired woman began to tear up. "Charlotte, I know we've had our fights, but I've always loved you my dear little sister." The woman began to cry and gave Xander a huge hug in front of the crowd. Perks of the job, I guess, Xander thought.

After the speech, Xander took his leave. With Xander looking like Simon, Boar didn't even glance at him as he walked by. As soon as Xander knew that he was out of view, he buried the letter and the key under a tree. Then he jumped into the trees and changed back into his old clothes as he messed up his new hairdo. Once again, Xander had stolen the show. And a ruby.

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