Chapter Six: Equipment

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Xander woke up again, right on time. He had been at the castle for three days and he was finally ready to don the equipment of a Shadow. Of course he would have to learn to use it, but after that he would be a full-fledged Shadow. Xander was excited, finally he would be a part of something special. At home, he was beginning to get bored. Maybe that's why he felt the need to steal things, to break the monotony.

Xander walked into the forge, ready to get his equipment. Byorg stood across the room, examining the necklace he had made.

"Hey Byorg." Xander said, wondering what was in store for him.

"Hey kid!" Byorg never seemed to stop smiling, "Look what I made."

Byorg held up the necklace he had made for Xander. Xander was in awe. He had put the ruby on the most ornate and pretty metal he could find. If Xander looked too long at the necklace, he felt himself begin to fall into it.

"It's beautiful." Xander said shaking Byorg's hand.

"Thank you!" Byorg said handing it to Xander, "Now for the rest of it."
Byorg turned to a chest that Xander hadn't noticed before. It looked like any chest, but it didn't store just any items.

First, Byorg pulled out the dark leather armor that Shadows were known for wearing, unlike everyone else's armor though there was a place near the neck made to make the necklace easily visible. Xander threw on the necklace and armor. The armor had several holsters, but what they contained was still in the chest. Byorg pulled out a sharp object with three tips that curled back. It was attached to a rope and was meant to be thrown to the top of building to easily reach higher ground. Next, Byorg showed off a dagger that fit perfectly into a holster on the left side of the armor. There was also a peg where the coils of rope could go. Byorg also grabbed a cloak. This was confusing to Xander. He already had dark armor, why would he need a cloak? Finally, Byorg threw a sword over his head. Xander barely caught it.

"The dagger serves as a throwing knife and is also used with your sword in case of enclosed spaces." Byorg explained, "I don't know how it works, but somehow the Shadows use the cloak to turn into shadows."

Xander's eyes widened as this processed through his brain. Become a shadow? He had to learn that.

"The sword is made of the hardest steel in the kingdom, it will never chip. You best keep it clean though. Also your necklace is very special."

"How is it special?"

"I had it engrained with magic. I don't know exactly what it will do, but that is for you to decide."

Xander thanked Byorg and went to the courtyard, fully donned in the Shadow's armor. Xander beamed as he tapped on Jo's shoulder.

"Well. You might be a shadow yet." She said looking him over, "That necklace is very pretty."

"Thanks." Xander said, "Well. Let's train."

The days went by much faster for Xander as he continued to pick the statue up higher and higher. He could also run along the wires at a full sprint, his sense of balance was amazing now. Xander had never felt more at home than at the courtyard in the palace, preparing for his first mission. Xander begged Jo to teach him how to turn invisible, but her response was always: "You're not ready yet." Xander was sad that he wasn't ready, but that just gave him the idea that he would be someday. Xander was filled with the hope to do more, to serve and to be a Shadow.

A week passed in a flash. Xander was lifting the statue several feet off of the ground now and he was a blur on the wires. Sometimes they did house situations like Xander did the second day in the castle, but no matter how well hidden the item was he always found it. He didn't tell them that his necklace began to flow brightly as he approached an item of value. Even he could have his secrets. As Xander prepared for his training one day, Jo woke him up way earlier than usual.

"What's going on?" Xander asked groggily as he shuffled like a zombie.

"Quit complaining and get to the courtyard. It's time that you learned." Was Jo's reply.

After the word learn, Xander got ready in record time in his full Shadow gear. Xander walked out into the courtyard and realized the sun was several hours from rising. Xander looked everywhere, but for the life of him he couldn't find Jo anywhere. In the blink of an eye, she appeared directly in front of him. Xander jumped back and fell down. Once again, he had hurt his pride.

"By wearing your cloak and visualizing your surroundings, one can become invisible. The truth is that you are there, but you move as the shadows move and you often times go unnoticed." Xander listened intently, hanging on every word. "Some people, however, can see right through the shadows. These people have either trained or have been born with the gift of Sight. There is a strange magic in the world, even though many do not believe it to be true."

After Jo's explanation, she pointed to a dark spot in the corner of the courtyard. It was right where two of the walls met.

"Try it for yourself." She said.

Xander crouched in the corner, closing his eyes. He felt the wind, blowing through his hair. He felt some movement in the world, it swayed slowly from left to right. Xander began to move with it. Even with his eyes closed, Xander could see the outlines of the objects in the courtyard.

"Great. Now try and move with the shadows, be one." Xander heard Jo's voice clearly, he believed that this state of mind and body was due to magic in the cloak. Xander moved with the shadows or maybe he moved the shadows with him. He couldn't comprehend it, he could just do it. As Xander moved, he felt the wind pick up and the swaying of the world seemed to increase. Quickly, Xander adjusted to the new pattern.

A few minutes later Xander lay on the ground, completely drained of energy.

"Why didn't you say that there was a time limit?" Xander asked miserably.

"Well, it's different for everybody, but you have the longest shadow realm time I have ever seen." She said, impressed.

"I'm going back to bed." Xander said as he attempted to stand. His legs were wobbly, but he stood fast.

Jo sighed, "Let me help you. After all, this is partly my fault."

Xander broke into a grin as he leaned against her.

"Have you gained weight?" She asked as she about toppled over.

"Ouch," was Xander's happy reply.

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