Chapter Ten

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I had to go back in spite of myself. I was getting uncomfortable on the park bench and I couldn't take the aches and pains any longer. I still didn't want to go to my apartment being the stubborn person I am. I wanted to sleep over at Chases like I had been doing the past few days. I couldn't sleep soundly without him there with me, or right by my side. I was nervous to go and confront him again, but I just had too. I trudge back to the mansion slowly and carefully trying to keep myself from tripping and trying to keep warm in the cold rain that was pounding on my head, the head that already had a terrible headache. My legs ache as I look up toward the door. I knock on it lightly. I hear light footsteps inside and someone takes a glance out the window. Chase then opens the large wooden door. I sniffle a little bit as he opens it and hang my head. Then I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me tightly. They hold me closer and the heat radiating from Chases body makes me never want to leave ever again. "I'm so sorry" he whispers gently in my ear while his hand run up and down my back. He runs his soft fingers through my hair and mumbles sweet nothings in my ear. I continue to cry while I dig my face in his jacket. I feel him lift me off my feet and carry me inside. I look up at him to see red eyes with tear stained cheeks. "I'm so sorry babe. I shouldn't have yelled. I know you hate that" he says and looks down sheepishly. I whip the tears off his face with my sweater sleeve. "Shhh" I whisper and hug him again. "I can't live with myself. I made you cry twice in one day" he mumbles to himself, but I hear. "Don't think like that love. It's okay. I'll be okay" I whisper back. He nods a little bit, and he's obviously still mad at himself. "Here, let's get you changed and maybe we can watch a movie, yeah? There's no school tomorrow." I nod and say, "I'd like that." He gives me a small grin. He leads me too his room. The room that I've been sleeping in with him for the past few days. I have most of my very few articles of clothing and my cell phone and laptop. Things like that. He helps me strip down to my underclothes because of my pounding headache. Then he reaches in my suitcase and pulls out my 'The Beatles', sweater and my favourite sweatpants. He helps me to the bathroom and turns on the hot water and leaves me in there to take a shower. Which I'm glad. I hurry through because I just don't feel well standing up. I put on my clothes which envelop me in their warmth. I walk out of the bathroom and Chase is waiting for me. I look down shyly and sniffle. "Baby, you okay?" Chase asks lifting my chin. "Yeah, I think I might be obtaining a cold though" I mutter. He looks at me sadly. "I'm so sorry babe" he whispers and intertwines our hands. I look down at them and then come the sparks. I don't know how exactly to describe how it felt. It almost felt like I was floating around with zero gravity. On top of the world. Like fireworks were exploding inside my heart. I look up into Chases beautiful, right now, clear brown eyes. And our lips get closer and closer until I can feel his soft lips on my own. I've never actually kissed anyone before, but I know that this is a true, passionate kiss. I feel the butterflies in my stomach burst. I know what you all are thinking. ''ve kissed Chase before..' Yes. Yes I have, but I was very drunk and I can't remember any of it at all. So this feeling is very new to me. When Chase kisses me, it makes me feel invincible. Like nothing in the world could or will ever hurt me again. But something will. I know it, and that scares me. I quickly pull away. "Is something wrong?" Chase asks immediately. I shake my head while trembling. "Its just a new feeling for me, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I mumble and squeeze his hand while hyperventilating. "You're okay love, your okay" Chase reassures me. I nod and gulp sheepishly. "Let's go watch those movies, yeah?" "Yeah, okay." He leads me downstairs and into the screening room. "What shall we watch my love?" he asks sweetly. Chase is honestly very underestimated. He has always been thought of as a terrible person. That is not the case always. He's one of the sweetest most caring boys in the world. "Uhm...The Fault In Our Stars.." I mumble with a grin on my face. We watch this movie all the time because its my all time favourite ever. He has a goofy look on his face and pretends to groan. "Of course we can beautiful, just go lie down on the couch" he orders me. I giggle a little bit. I lie down on the couch and cover myself in a ton of blankets. I close my eyes and let the warmth take me and hold me. I finally relax. I'm in love. I'm bloody in love with a kid I never thought I'd fall for.

I wake up with my head in Chases lap and a ton of blankets on me. I gently open my tired eyes and look up at Chase. His arm draped over my waist and he's watching TV. I think its football. He's watching intently, but I can tell he's not moving so he doesn't wake me. I shift a little bit so he knows I'm awake. He looks down and smiles when he sees me. "Hey princess, how you feeling?" he questions. "How long hav-" I get cut off by a large coughing fit and a few sneezes, "Have I been asleep?" I finally finish. My voice is hoarse and my throat hurts. "All night and half the day. Its 3 o'clock now..." he says and puts my head back down on his lap. "Just rest for a minute while I get some medicine. Then I'll tell you what I found out" he says standing up. What is it he wants to tell me? Luckily, I don't get paranoid easily, so I just yawn and lie down. It feels like my eyes are only closed for a few seconds when I hear Chase walk back in the room. "Here babe, take this" he says while I sit up again. He has a couple pills in his hand and in the other there's a glass of water. "I made sure that they don't mess with the pregnancy..." he mumbles. I nod and take them quickly. "Hopefully they'll help" he says. I nod again and lie back down. Chase sits down next to me and starts talking quietly. "So, babe I called the doctors today because I think we should go and get an ultrasound and stuff like that. They had an opening today at 4: 30. If you want to go we can, and they said they can teach us more about pregnancy" he explains gently. Making sure I understand everything because he knows these kinds of things are really hard for me. "Uhh, will you be there the entire time?" I look up finally. "Yeah, babe, of course. I won't leave the entire time" he assures me. I nod. "Okay, we can go. Do you have enough money?" I ask. He nods. "Okay, then we'll go" I say again.

I take one more small nap before I decide to get ready to go to the doctors. I'm extremely tired lately because of the pregnancy and because of my obvious cold. The medicine is starting to help though. I get up at around 4 and see Chase in the kitchen making sandwiches. I walk in quietly and his face brightens when he sees me. "Hey babe. I made you this" he says and hands me a PB&J. "Thank you" I say and eat half of it quickly. I put the other on the table and run upstairs to Chases room. I take out my makeup and apply some really quick. I grab my uggs and slip them on as well. I still am extremely cold no matter how hard I try to not be. I stretch with my hands above my head. I'm starting to have random lower back pains a lot and they basically may as well kill me. I walk downstairs and meet Chase at the doorway. "You okay, love?" he asks placing a small kiss at my forehead. "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go do this" I say and open the door. The April sunshine starts to warm my blood gradually. We get in the car and start to drive silently.

It doesn't take that long to get to the hospital and Chase seems to know exactly where to go from there. He grabs my hand and takes me inside. He talks to the secretary lady for a little while about useless junk and about our personal information. Then, when he's finally done she points us to the waiting room giving Chase a survey to fill out and shooting us both dirty looks. We walk over slowly with my arm wrapped around his. He fills it our for the both of us while I lie my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. A few minutes later I hear a female voice say, "Miss. Jackson & Mr. Evans, we're ready for you." I reluctantly get up, still clutching on Chases arm. We follow the woman to the back into a cold room with tile floors and brick walls. I hate hospitals. They smell like cleaning soap and sadness. Like lost hope and tears. Its terrible. The woman orders me to sit on a large chair next to a bunch of computers and wires and things. She has Chase sit on the chair next to me while she looks through the survey he filled out. I look at him with fear in my eyes and he looks back. With a soft gentle kiss to my forehead he says, "It'll be okay, love. Just hang in there."

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