Chapter 6

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Chloe's eyes fluttered open. Where was she? Blinding lights blurred her vision and beeps filled the air. She tried to sit up. Pain seared her left arm.

"Now now Chloe. Just lay back down." An arm on her shoulder gently pushed her down.

"Where am I?" Her words were slurred.

"In the hospital. You just came out of surgery. You needed a lot of stitches."

Memories flooded her brain. The gunshots. Dominic saving her, more gunshots, one in her arm, Dominic saving her again. Wait. Dominic!

"Dominic!" She whispered.

A low chuckle. "He's okay."

Relief flowed through her. "Who are you?"

"I'm Dr. Stonewall."

She furrowed her brow. "What about"



"She's waiting for you outside. Would you like her to come in?"

Chloe closed her eyes and nodded.

Dr. Stonewall left and Nicole came bursting in.

"Chloe! I'm glad you are alright!"

Chloe could feel the drugs she had been given wearing off. "Me too."

"Here. Let me help you sit up." Nicole moved efficiently and soon Chloe was sitting up.

"That's much better."

"I thought so. So, tell me about you and my brother."

Chloe gave her a puzzled look, "What on earth are you talking about?"

Nicole smirked, "He was carrying you from the house, then talking to you privately in the ambulance."

Chloe blushed and looked down, "There's nothing between us."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." She's known him for what - two months?

"Cause by the looks of it, Dominic cares about you." Nicole eyed her.

Chloe's head snapped up, "He does?! I mean, he does?"

Nicole gave a hearty laugh, "I can tell."

"Um, how?"

Nicole laughed again, "He usually doesn't ask to ride in the ambulance with people that have been involved in a shooting or crime scene with him. And he definitely doesn't talk to them like he did with you."


"Yeah. Oh." Nicole squeezed her hand. "But that's okay with me. I like you."

Chloe smiled, "I like you too."

A slight rap on the door turned both their heads. Dr. Stonewall popped in. "Chloe, you have a guest. May I let him in?"

Nicole gave Chloe a knowing look, then stood. As she walked out Chloe heard, "Hey, Dom."

Once Nicole had left, Dominic walked in. "Hey."


He shifted uncomfortably, "Are you doing okay?"

His hostile tone puzzled her, "What is it?"

He sighed and sat down on the chair next to her bed, "Why did someone shoot at you?"

She stilled, not really wanting to answer the question.


She locked eyes with him. "It's a long story. Not a good one either."

He reached for her hand and squeezed it. "I'll listen."

"Okay. Well, it started about seven years ago. I had just started being a realtor. At one of my showings there was this guy. He was really difficult to work with and had a really flirty attitude. He wouldn't put an offer on any house, he just insisted we keep looking. One time, I had to get my oil changed, so he offered to drive to our next showing." She paused.

Dominic squeezed her hand again. "Go on."

"Instead of going to the showing, he took me to his home. Told me that he loved me and if I didn't love him back, I was going to have to die." She leaned her head back on her pillow.

"You don't have to keep going." He told her when her hands started shaking.

"No. I should. Anyways, when I said I didn't love him he got angry and shot at me. He missed. A neighbor heard the ruckus and called the police. He was taken away to jail. I was never the same."

Chloe expected to see something along the lines of compassion on Dominic's face, but all she saw was raw anger.

"Let me guess. This guy just got let out, and now he's coming back after you."

Chloe nodded.

"Then I am staying with you tonight."


"I'll sleep on your couch, or you can come to my place and I will sleep on my couch."

"No. I can't have you do that. You have a job." And besides, awkward central.

"My job is to keep you safe. I'll bet that I will be assigned to your case."

"I have a case?"

He rubbed his forehead, "You have people trying to stop this guy for you. Do you know his name?"

"Paul Curtis."

"Thank you. And Chloe?"


"I'm staying with you tonight."

She nodded. It would be easier to sleep if she knew he was there. Or maybe not.

Thirty minutes later Dr. Stonewall came in with her discharge papers. "Could you get a ride home? I'd rather you not drive with that arm of yours."

Dominic stood, "I'll take her home."

"Perfect. Thank you." Dr. Stonewall got a nurse to help Chloe get dressed, then gave them the all clear to leave."

Dominic helped Chloe to the elevator and through the craziness of people to the exit of the St. Francis Medical Center. As they walked through the parking lot, Dominic put his hand in the small of her back. It gave Chloe a sense of protection. When they made it to his car safely, Chloe gave him the directions to her place.

When they pulled up to her house, Dominic led her inside. 

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