Chapter 11

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Dominic insisted that he stay with Chloe again. She didn't put up much of a fight. In fact, she was grateful for it. The nurse helped her change, and Dominic led her down the hall. They stepped in the elevator and a man came rushing in.

Chloe stood in between him and Dominic.

The man nodded his head towards them, "Sir. Ma-am."

Chloe gave him a pretty smile and his gaze swept her. "I must say, ma-am you are looking mighty fine today."

She smiled, "Thank you-"

Dominic stepped in front of her, now in the middle of the two, "Sir, if you please."

"Can't a man compliment a woman?" he motioned to Chloe, who was now behind Dominic.

"Yes. But you want to do more than compliment her. And right now, she has plans."

Chloe felt that Dominic was jealous. Or protective. Or paranoid. Or all three. This man was harmless. Right?

The man narrowed his eyes, then turned away.

When the elevator opened Dominic gripped her bicep and they walked off. Chloe turned to see the man stalking off with his nose in the air. She turned back to see Dominic with an angry expression on his face. What was wrong? Was it something she did?

When they got in the car, she turned to him, "What was that all about? He was just giving a compliment."

Dominic stared at her, "Are you crazy?"

She was slightly offended, "What?"

"We don't know if he was working for Paul or something. You could have been killed if you pursued him."

Now she was really offended. And hurt. "I would never pursue him. You know that. You just went on full cop mode and-"

"You could have been killed."

"But I'm still alive, aren't I?" She looked away from him. What was going on? First, she thinks it would be best if she keeps her distance from him, then they kiss, then all is well, then they are fighting. Divine intervention? Maybe.

Dominic sighed, "Sorry."

"No, you're not." She snapped, "You were just jealous and so your excuse is to say I could have been killed."

She ignored his protest and didn't talk to him for the rest of the ride. When they got home, she didn't wait for him to check the place. Dropping her purse on the table, she went to her room. She needed clothes that didn't smell like the hospital. She needed some devotions. She needed a shower. She needed to be away from Dominic.

That was the top priority.


Dominic sunk onto Chloe's couch. What was wrong with him? He did something wrong, that was for sure. He just didn't know how to fix it.

Which was a problem.

Maybe he should call Nicole. She wasn't his favorite sister, (he didn't have one) but they were closest in age and they knew each other very well. She'd have some advice. And she knew Chloe pretty well. She would understand.


Nicole picked up on the third ring, "What now?"

"Hello to you too."

She sighed, "Sorry. It just seems like every call I get brings bad news."

"Sorry. I just need some advice." Now he felt bad. Oh well.

"Okay. What's up?" She sounded more enthusiastic than before.

"Chloe's mad at me."

Nicole let out a low whistle, "What did you do?"

"That's just it. I don't know."

She muttered something that sounded a lot like, "Men."

"Give me some advice here. I'm desperate for it." He pleaded.

"First, tell me the whole story." When he finished telling, she was silent for a moment. Then, "You really screwed up."

"I'm sorry. I'd just like some advice here." Sarcasm rang in the air.

Nicole chuckled, "Okay. First off, you tried to protect her from something harmless. The man was just giving her a compliment. She's a pretty woman."


Nicole kept going, "You know as well as I do, even if he asked her out, she would never go out with him. Her heart is set on another man. That man is you."

"I know, but-"

"So you need to man up a little. Show her you care. Even if that man was bad, he wouldn't be able to take her in broad daylight with you around. It's simple logic."

"But what if-"

"No what ifs. If she sees you talking to a pretty nurse, she might feel some jealousy. But I'm gonna bet she trust's that you wouldn't cheat on her. She's not going to step in the way of you two. She might politely ask about it after, but she wouldn't make a scene. So like I said before, show her you care. Touch her heart. Women love that kind of thing."

Dominic took in all that information. Nicole was right. He needed to man up. His jealousy every time she talked to a male was getting out of hand. "You're right."

"No applause needed."

"I will strangle you."

Nicole laughed, "Not through the phone, you can't."

"Well, watch your back."

Her laughter came through the phone again. "Listen, I need to go. Mom's calling. Probably her 'How was your day, I love you, now tell me about Dominic and Chloe' call. I've been waiting for that one."

"Now I'm really going to strangle you."

More laughter, "Ask her to forgive you. Tell her you are a man and that you make mistakes. A lot. Show her that you care."

Man, was he gonna kill her. "Funny. Love you."

"Love you too."


Dominic set the phone down and got busy.

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