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{3rd person P.O.V.}

They all agreed to let Adina bat since it was her first time playing with them. She stood at home plate as Benny handed her his bat. He placed Adina's hands on the bats handle, his hands on top of her. Adina wasn't stupid, she knew what he was doing. Still, her heart thumped in her chest.

"You put your hands right-" Benny started, smirking at the girl beside him.

"I know, I'm not Scotty. I know how to play." Adina heard him chuckle as he let go of her hands. Sure, when his hands touched her hands Adina felt her stomach curl but she didn't want him knowing that.

Adina held up the bat and stared at the pitcher. He smirked at her. Adina already guessed that he was going to try and show her up. She held up the bat a bit higher than she usually would. From what Scotty told her, he always was a high pitcher.

When he threw the ball, Adina could practically see herself swinging the bat and hitting it perfectly. If she didn't, it'd be extremely embarrassing. She hit it, a loud crack emitting from the bat as she did so. The ball soared through the air, the group turned to watch it before they turned back to Adina who stood at home plate with her arms crossed.

"Whoa." The ball went Scotty's way. Of course, he didn't catch it.

"Told you I know how to play." Adina announced proudly, a smile sported happily on her cheeks.

"You're pretty good." Benny smiled and put his hand on Adina's shoulder. Squints whistled, making the two look at him.

"Stop flirting and continue the game!" Adina rolled her eyes, pushing Benny's hand off of her shoulder and getting back into her place.


The next day, Ham wanted to bat. Of course, he tried to repeat what Benny did to Scotty. He tried to point out where his ball would go. The boys laughed, knowing Ham wasn't that good. Adina wasn't playing today, she had other things on her mind.

Recently, Adina had met a boy. Jordan Phillips. He saw her at the grocery store and asked for her phone number. She gave him the number she used for her personal phone in her room that her Dad had bought her. They talked a lot, and Adina knew he really wanted Benny on his team.

"Psst." Adina looked up suddenly, until she saw him.

"Jordan?!" She whisper-shouted back. Jordan peaked out from a bush, barely hiding himself. He motioned for her to follow him. When Adina stood to do so, Benny spoke up.

"Adina, where you going?" Benny asked. She stopped and turned around. Everyone now looking at her. She gulped, luckily Adina was a quick thinker and could come up with excuses that were easy to believe.

"I'll be right back. I forgot something at home." Benny looked at Adina suspiciously. After a month or so, Benny and Adina had grown close. They even jokingly flirted. Benny was also very protective of Adina. He didn't want to play baseball with her sometimes because he didn't want her to get hurt, he didn't want the boy's jokingly flirting her, and he didn't want her going to places alone.

He also knew when Adina was lying.

She quickly ran back, seeing that Jordan was hiding amazingly well, much different from his first hiding spot. He came out from his hiding spot and walked Adina to the street. 

"What are you doing here?!" She asked quickly, Jordan chuckled.

"I came here to see you." Adina felt her face get hot. "Your cute when you blush." He smirked. Was she really blushing? Adina punched Jordan's arm lightly.

"Shut up." She muttered.

"So I wanted to ask you something." He ran his fingers through his light brown hair.

"What is it?" Adina glanced to the side seeing the boy's had stopped playing and were talking to Benny about something.

"I wanted to ask if you'd be my girlfriend?" Adina's eyes met with Jordan's, Adina felt her stomach drop. She liked Jordan, she did but she was also sure that she liked Benny too.

"Yes." She smiled. He smiled back at her. He then kissed her cheek, which made her whole body go hot.

"I gotta get back with my friends I'll see you later." He whispered. She waved him goodbye, not being able to say anything.

As Adina walked back to the sandlot, to stand next to Scotty, Adina's mouth formed into a permanent grin.

"Go look Smalls." Benny said to him, his hands on his hips.

"What are you so happy about?" Squints asked. Adina giggled.


"Something got the ball. What was that?" Scotty asked. The boys all looked at each other.

"Camp out."
Word Count:789

𝐈𝐃𝐈𝐎𝐓, Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now