𝟎𝟓𝟓; ᴅᴏʙʙʏ

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OPHELIA TURNED to Louis whom was rubbing his forehead in the spot Ophiuchus threw his ring back at him.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"I'm fine." He restassured her.

Ophelia narrowed her eyes as she pulled Louis down to her height and kissed his forehead.

Louis smiled, his dimples showing.

"NO BOYS!" James suddenly yelled causing Ophelia to yelp in surprise and looked at her younger father with a nervous expression.

He is just like Astrophel.

"Sorry, Mister Potter." Louis laughed, as he pulled Ophelia closer to him, wrapping and arm around her shoulder. She didn't mind at all.

"Fuck this is serotonin for me." Marlene whispered.

"Really, Princeling? The good guy act?" Ophiuchus raised a brow looking at him.

"Lestrange, shut up. Because I will shoot an arrow through your heart- oh wait. I can't since you don't have a heart for me to shoot." Louis said.

"Atleast I don't have an inferiority complex." Ophiuchus lifeless sterling grey eyes met Louis's dark charcoal grey pair, that flashed with something unknown.

Before either of them could kill each other someone else spoke up.

"So we will be seeing everything right?" Daphne asked, and most nodded in response. A smirk appeared on her face.

"You here that, Ophiuchus? Diggory? Everything including what happened at that party." She teased.

Louis looked mortified, while Ophiuchus looked unfazed, as everyone else from the future just laughed at their expense.

"What party...?" Marlene asked.

"Oh you'll see."

The screen started.

Ophelia groaned in annoyance, Astrophel took away her chocolates, after he caught
her in the library passed her 10:00 o'clock curfew.

"You have an obsession, surprised you don't have any cavities." Hermione said.

Ophelia just smiled, showing off her pearly whites.

Ophelia tried sneaking into the kitchen to take some chocolate, yet she chose the worst time as Astrophel was there cooking dinner for them later.

"That is why I have Uncle Moony, to sneak me some." Ophelia sent Remus a wink, who in response laughed at her antics.

Now she was being escorted back to her room by Astrophel, whom was not amused.

Just as they neared her bedroom they hear someone laughing madly in her room.

"The fuck? You have a ghost?" Ron questioned.

Astrophel and Ophelia take out their wands ready for anything.

Astrophel opens the door to find, a house elf bouncing on Ophelia's bed.

Draconian and the Malfoy's all raised a brow looking at the familiar house elf on the screen.

"Ophelia Potter! Such an honor it is!" Astrophilia lowered their wands.

"Who are you?" Ophelia asked.

"Dobby, Miss, Dobby the house elf."

"Not to be to be rude or anything, but what are you doing here?"

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃; ʜᴘ (𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃)Where stories live. Discover now