IN THIS UNIVERSE— set in the modern era there is no Voldemort and the Black's get fine along, well as fine as they can without killing each other.
Sirius has to babysit his goddaughter, Ophelia. While Regulus has to babysit his godson/cousin/nephew, Ophiuchus. The Black Brothers decided to just babysit the pair of toddlers together, a playdate if you will.
Eveningmoon's first meeting.
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REGULUS WALKED INTOSirius's London apartment, with the little year old Ophiuchus strapped into a stroller while holding onto his stuffed animal Mister Fluffy-Basilisk, as Regulus carried his diaper bag.
There in the living room he was Sirius, watching television as the nine months old, Ophelia was babbling happily in her play-pen.
"Reggie! Ophii!" Sirius greeted as he looked up.
"Hello, Sirius." Regulus greeted as he locked the door then proceeded to go inside.
Regulus places Ophiuchus's diaper bag onto the near by coffee table, and took Ophiuchus out his stroller.
"My favorite relative!" Sirius had taken Ophiuchus from Regulus, and hugged him.
Ophiuchus bright sterling eyes gazed on Sirius's hair, his stubby hands reached out and began tugging on his hair rather harshly.
"Ow! You are a menace just like your moth— OW!" Sirius had winced in pain, which made Ophiuchus giggle happily, and Regulus snorted.
"Pa'foo?" The sound of Ophelia's voice got Sirius's attention and he made his way over to her, with Ophiuchus still tugging on his hair.
"Ophelia, meet Ophiuchus." Sirius said as he placed Ophiuchus in the play-pen with Ophelia. Regulus behind him watching the interaction between the toddlers.
Ophiuchus sat there with a confused look on his face, before turning to Ophelia who looked at him with big bright doe eyes.
Ophelia crawled over to Ophiuchus, then patted his head making his curls bounce.
"Ophii?" She tilted her head, before giving a closed eyed gummy smile. "Ophii! Ophii!"
She then hugged him. While Ophiuchus blinked owlishly as he just accepted his fate.
"Potter is going to lose it." Regulus smirked as he had recorded everything.
"Send that to me." Sirius demanded.
"10 galleons."
"Aren't you rich?"
"It's the principle of things."
"Ugh fine." Sirius grumbled.
"... Pheea." Ophiuchus mumbled softly, and the Black Brothers's attention moved to them again.
Ophelia giggled hearing Ophiuchus say her name.
The pair of brothers watched as Ophiuchus stared at Ophelia's cherubic face, specifically her chubby cheeks that resemble marshmallows.