Chapter 2:

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Standing in the orphanage office watching as Kenneth talks to the owner Ms Warner as i stay there being silent enjoying all of the expressions that crosses over face ever since Kenneth and i walked in.

Shock, surprise, relief as well as some others that i can't exactly pinpoint.

She was relieved when she saw that Kenneth wasn't hurt, probably thinking i might have hurt him. Surprised that he wanted to adopt me and that he had all of the papers ready. Last but not least shocked that he wanted me and only me, not the other children here.

"You are sure you want her? I mean there are other children who are a lot less... freaky and dangerous here for you" Ms Warner says even though I'm still in the room, but obviously not caring.

Clenches my teeth as i quickly walk to the window looking out to the view with the glow of the afternoon late sun my head down, touching the cold service to cool down not wanting to cause any troubles in case i blow up unable to look at Kenneth but i can feel his own heat rising due to what Ms Warner said about freaks.

"Um are we done here now?" I quickly ask saving him from what i've been through for the last 12 years here but 17 years of my life. Letting a bit of cool wind breeze his way to help him calm down a bit.

"Yeah" shooting the older women with a glare from behind his dark sunglasses before turning towards me "Go a head and get your stuff then we can go" he smiles at me kindly. In other words 'get your stuff before I burn this place down'

Nods as i walk out of the room but not before unleashing enough wind to knock the wig off of Ms Warner's head for insulting me eariler.

Smirks to myself as i hear a gasp from Ms Warner then a soft manly chuckle, goes up to my room  which i had shared with a few other girls around my age, and starts packing quickly not wanting to deal with anyone else before i leave this place for good.

But since its me and i have bad luck some of the girls i used to share the room with comes in and shoot a cold glare at me probably already knowing that i've been adopted and they are pissed that it isn't one of them. Rolls my eyes 'here we go' thinking with sarcasm.

"Once he finds out how big of a freak you are, you'll be right back in here" Natalia the leader of the posse who is like 2 years younger than me, says glaring at me.

Turns on my heel deciding to give them one last scare before i go, lowers my sunglasses showing them my eyes "What was that?" I say glaring at them each in turn.

"Nothing" they all mutter quickly trying not to look at my eyes.

"Good we wouldn't want a repeat of last time now do we?" Smirks at them since the last time they got me mad i used my wind to give them each a little makeover. I was never good with make up anyway so it got a bit... messy.

They all shake their heads rather quickly and moves out of my way, shaking in slight fear.

Picks up my bag and walks pass them out the door downstairs, pushing my sunglasses back up meeting with Kenneth at the front door.

Kenneth looks at me "You ready to go and leave this life?"

Smiles at him widely "I was born ready" i say, looking up at him.

"Here give me your bags and get into the car" he points over to a sleak black vehicle.

"Alright" hands him my bag and walks to the car getting into the backseat putting the seat belt on. Looking out the window not noticing that someone is already in the drivers seat.

Leans back in the seat closing my eyes knowing exactly when kenneth gets in since he used his fire ability near me, everytime a elemental user uses their ability near me i somehow bond with it so whenever they are near my own element reacts in a slight alarm sort of way.

"So Kenneth or adopted father, how far is this school exactly?" my voice sounding really bored "And why should i go when I've already graduated highschool?" especially since i might still be the freak, but my spirit of all elements are telling me not to tell that i'm special in their words.

"Well from here its about a day and a half away, so we should be there tomorrow around supper time" He glances back at me through the mirror "This school isn't like a regular school, its a place for kids with gifts. Like us"

"So there are others like me?" shock clearly in my voice, and a hint of happiness.

"Of course, everyone there is graced with a gift to use either fire, water, earth or air" he looks back at me "But there are some rare cases when someone is graced with two elements to help balance the person themselves out"

Noticing that he didn't say the fifth element spirit (Magic) but doesn't comment nor did he say anything about anyone being able to use all five. Shrugs and leans back in my seat putting my head against the window closing my eyes.


How is it so far?

Poor Aria still going to be different even around people who is like her.

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