Chapter 5:

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Once I wake up, i see woods and a big gate that we are passing through as if to keep someone or something out. My eyes widen realizing its the same gate from my dream last night.

When we passed through the gate, I felt a intense power flowing over my entire body, gasping softly at the feeling of the power.

"Welcome to gifted Elemental Highschool Aria" I hear Kenneth tell me from the front seat.

Smiles a little, sitting up and closes my eyes taking my sunglasses off and rub my eyes as I yawn really need to stretch my tired muscles.

Quickly puts my sunglasses back on when I feel the car coming to a stop, looks around taking the area in.

Gets out of the car, stretching my muscles as I breathe in the fresh air enjoying the smell of the woods.

Loving the feeling of the cool breeze even though it makes my hair go into my face. Snaps out of it when I smell fire flying towards me from behind and I quickly turn around using my air ability, taking air away from the fire ball.

Slowly looks towards whoever threw a fire ball at me, feels shocked when I see four elders standing in front of the school easily finding the fire user. Who is dressed in all red with black lining and buttons.

"Is that all you got?" Since i can control fire i have a short temper. But I'm also trying to get him to lose his control.

Looks into his spirit and grins shrugging slightly. Snaps out of it when I feel the ground move and I just stand still waiting for the real move to happen.

Feels a big bolder being thrown at me from behind.

Takes deep breathes in and out as the wind building up around me stopping it from hitting me but changes it's course, which ends up flying back towards the school.

The elder who had thrown the bolder is dressed in green with light brown lining and buttons, stopped the bolder from hitting the school and drops it down on the side of the steps.

Blows the hair out of my face and slowly looks at the elder a grin teasing at my lips, not feeling tired anymore but my heart is racing.

Looks back towards Kenneth and Rylan "i love this feeling, my heart is racing and my skin is tingling" smiles at them "So are those old guys the elders or something?" Tilts my head to the side looking confused.

"These are the four instructors who gives every student a test with against all of the elements before they are to enter the school and to decide what is the best way for them to learn"

Nods slowly and looks at them "Are there any female instructors in this school?"

A mellow instructor which I'm guessing is another air element user, steps forward "There are both male and female instructors in this school. But there are two principles that controls two elements each"

"Oh cool" grins a little "So um is the test done or something?" Looks towards all of the instructors.

"Before you go little missy, you will need to take your sunglasses off" The one who is a fire elemental user.

"I'm afraid I can't do that" Turns towards him "These glasses protects me from those who would want to hurt me. But if I can't wear these then i have no business joining this school"

Grabs my bag and looks at them "I would like to see the principles then get to my room before a certain time tonight"

Walks past the four elders all dressed in their element colors.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Knocks on a large brown door playing with my hair waiting for someone to let me in.

Looks around the school hallway putting my hand on the wall feeling the power surging through the school.

"It's wonderful isn't it?" I hear a female voice behind me sounding like someone i have heard before.

Slowly turns around, my eyes open wide when I see the elderly women from my dream of last night.

"Y-yes it really is" i whisper softly looking at her all over "You look just like you did in my dream" tilting my head to the side.

"What did you say Honey?" Looking at me really confused.

Snaps out of it shaking my head "Oh sorry it's just I thought I saw you from somewhere" pushes my fingers through my hair blushing.

Hears a voice in my head 'Don't let on anything, no one needs to know what you are just yet'

Looks at the principal "Did all of the element users built this school miss?"

Looks at me shocked and nods slowly "Why yes but how would you know that?"

"I can tell it's not man made like most buildings plus all the energy i feel there never was a human" Looks at her "You should be able to feel it as well" smiles kindly.

"What do you mean by that?" Looks at me with green and blue eyes.

"When your element is earth and water your most connected to the school and students around you" I whisper softly.

"Who are you?" She says looking at me.

"I'm Aria Johnson" Smiles at her "And I'm the new girl"

"I'm Miss Gaia, here at elemental high school we do not use our last names, since most do not have one" looks at my face "Now tell me why you must wear your glasses?"

"Because I'm not safe" I whisper softly looking at her "Until I feel safe may i please wear my sunglasses?"

"Everyone is safe here but if you insist then I cannot force you to do something that you do not want. Well come in and meet the other principle"

Follows her in and sees a elderly man from my dream using both fire and air "Be careful no one can control fire easily" I whisper softly.

'So these are the two people who were in my dream, does that mean I am having visions of the future or something?' Feels a bit confused.

'Yeah, you are growing into your powers very well' I hear my own voice but it sounds so very different.

"Yes fire can be unpredictable I must say but it can do both justice and cause great harm to one who isn't careful"

Smiles nodding walks over slowly sitting down in front of the fire "Air and water both can stop fire just have to know how to"

Looks at them both but sees Miss Gaia writing something down "Here is your room number everything you need is already there waiting for you"

Grabs the paper smiling "Young lady my name is Mr Mazin" looks over to the elderly man as I smile nodding.

"I have got some one to show you around the school they should be waiting for you out in the hallway now as we speak" Hears Miss Gaia as I walk out of the door but bumps into someone on my way out.

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