Chapter 6:

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Slowly looks up at the person that I had bumped into and my eyes widen seeing a boy that I had once saved from drowning a few years back.

F- L - A - S - H   B- A - C - K

Walking through the woods cooling off from the stupid mean girls who once again were out to get me, having my sunglasses off for once but my hood covering most of my face as I enjoy the storm.

Pauses in my step when I hear a cry that isn't too far but sounding like they are having a great struggle.

'What do I do? I want to save him' I say as I am holding onto a tree, hoping for some words of guidance.

'Do what you think is best child'

Nods slowly, before taking off into a run towards a cliff that is over a big body of water.

Looks down at the ground seeing that the person slipped in and wasn't pushed, glances around before diving into the water looking around for the boy before it is too late. Catches sight of a hand that is trying to stay in sight.

Swims under quickly grabbing onto the hand that apparently belongs to a guy and pushes us to the shore, feeling the guy in my arms slowly slipping away.

Drops him on the ground and looks around before undoing his shirt halfway and leans down pressing my ear against his chest listening for a heart beat, hears a soft weak thumping.

Tilts his head back slowly 'Do I really need to give him mouth to mouth?'

'If you want to save him, then yes' Blushes slightly looking down at him biting my bottom lip.

Pumps his chest a few times and then leans down putting my mouth onto his gently blowing into his mouth.

Repeats the actions until he rolls onto his side coughing up water that was stuck in his lungs making it hard for him to breathe and lays back on the ground panting, as I watch him.

'He still feels weak to me'

'Then heal him'

Moves to him slowly putting my hand onto his which catches him by surprise, feels that his inner heat is slowly dying out.

"Hey you saved me from drowning didn't you? Not sure why but I've never been able to s-"

I press my lips onto his before he can finish his sentence my hand resting on his chest slowly helps him as my hair starts to glow (kind of like from tangled) I learned that I am able to heal others abilities as well taking them away.

Pulls back slowly and looks into the boy's eyes, feels taken aback when I see the color of his eyes which isn't a normal person color, reddish brown since I thought he was only fire.

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