Chapter 3:

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Its been about two hours since we left the adoption center when i finally decide to break the awkward silence once again, sighing pushing my fingers through my hair.

Smiles a little "So who actually adopted me?" I say softly looking at the front seats.

"I did, but your free to still call me Kenneth okay Aria?" Kenneth tells me keeping his eyes on the road, but glancing at me with a small smile.

Smiles nodding "Alright" breaths in and out silently calling the spirit of my wind since it won't be wise to call the others otherwise kenneth might figure out something or go into attack mode. Having a conversation about different ways to control my gift better especially when i get angry.

Loses track of time until someone lightly shakes me, my entire body tenses at the suddeness of the touch as the wind around me start to pick up but i snap out of it when i hear "Aria? Come on wake up, we are going to rest for the night and be at the school tomorrow" Kenneth's voice i hear in my ear.

"Kenneth you don't need to shake me, i am awake but really hungry" I mutter softly sitting up slowly and looks around my surroundings feeling slightly confused "So um where are we exactly?"

"At a hotel and don't worry you will be able to eat once we get settled for the night" lifting my bags over his shoulders.

"Oh alright" gets out of the car looking around "Wow that is one big building" looking up at the building in front of me in awe "Lets go then" i say softly two minutes, starts walking inside the hotel.

"So we were going to get a suite with two beds if thats okay with you?" he glances at me as if unsure by something.

"Its fine, i'll probably be sleepin in mid air anyway" i say shaking my head. Its the only thing I can't control that happens with my main element.

"Does that happen often?" A completely different voice asks before kenneth is able to "I mean sleeping in mid air?" sounding a bit surprised.

Looks over to find another guy "Yeah ever since i was two" sighs softly "Sorry what is your name?" i ask him since he has a different air about him then Kenneth does which is slightly rough like.

"Oh my bad, i forgot to introduce myself" looking like he wants to hit himself "My name is Rylan" putting his hand out for a shake.

Easily slips my hand into his "Nice to meet you Rylan, my name is Aria Johnson and my gift is Air which is pretty obvious" smiles at him kindly "So what's your gift?"

Watchng as he takes a small amount of dirt from a near by plant and crushes it into his hands but when he shows the dirt again it looks like five little tiny balls "Earth" he grins at me shaking my hand with his free hand.

"Rylan can you please stop flirting, so we can get to our room by tonight?" Kenneth interrupts Rylan by not getting any further.

Letting go of Rylan's hand as i giggle softly shaking my head, following after Kenneth to the elevator.

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