This Needs to Happen

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They'd arrived at the company together, Omer, Defne and Iz. Iz had hurried off to make up the time she lost with the investors in Milan, there was still a mountain of tasks to complete before the showcase this afternoon. Omer had asked to see Defne in his office and she waited while he climbed the stairs slowly, leaning heavily on his crutch before she followed him up and closed the door behind her. Turning back to face him she squealed as he pushed her up against the door and pressed his lips firmly to hers, his body against her holding her in place. 

"I really wish we didn't have the showcase today, I want to whisk you away somewhere, where it can just be the two of us... maybe we should go to the house on the hill for a couple of days?"

She smiled knowingly. "And how do you suppose we explain that to my grandma? She doesn't even know you are back."

"Then let's tell her, together. Then we'll go to the house, and I will make love to you on every item of furniture, in every corner."

Placing her hands against her cheeks she pulled her eyes away. "Omer... don't embarrass me..."

"Oh, but I love this blush of yours."

"That's pretty obvious, you're always trying to embarrass me."

He pulled back and smiled. "I guess it's time to put these sweet fantasies aside and focus on work for the day?"

"I think so." He hobbled away from her, leaving her to take a deep breath to collect herself. "Should we get everyone together to go over what needs to be done? I still need to collect the food and get it to the venue."

"Sukru will do that."

She looked unsure suddenly. "What if my grandma realises you are back when she sees Sukru?"

He looked up at her warily. "Defne, we are going to need to tell her soon, you know that right? I don't want any more lies, I just want you."

"I know, I know. It's just, they love me Omer, they'll worry."

"I love you... that's all that should matter."

She nodded, resigned to the fact that her family would find out sooner or later. "Okay."

He picked up the deskphone and dialled. "Derya, ask Sinan and Iz to come to the office, you too." Defne walked over to one of the leather armchairs in front of his desk and sat down, her elbow resting on the edge of his desk. He smiled at her, content, complete. "Maybe you could stay with me after the showcase tonight?"

Eyes widened she shook her head. "I can't... first there was last night and it was hard enough convincing my grandma, and plus Iz is staying with you... I can't."

"You can.. let's find a way to solve it... and let's make a plan on telling your family. Then we can plan a small wedding and I can finally take you to bed as my wife."

He was always so direct and decisive. When he spoke, it all sounded so easy and her heart thrilled when he spoke to marrying her, but could it all really be as easy as that?

The door to the office opened and Iz and Sinan stepped inside, followed a few seconds later by Derya carrying Omer's coffee and her notepad. Sinan gestured her inside and closed the door behind them, while Derya busied herself with placing Omer's coffee down. 

"Good morning Defne, Omer." Sinan smiled knowingly, clearly Iz had brought him up to speed. 

"Good morning." Defne hid her face behind a curtain of hair to hide her blush. 

Watching her smugly Omer nodded at his partner. 

"Let's get started..."

They discussed and agreed on the final points for the showcase, each clear on the tasks for the day. Derya was able to confirm that there were no further issues, that the shoes for the presentation had been collected and delivered to the venue, Omer called Sukru to instruct him on the food collections and Iz and Sinan confirmed the presence of the media and investors. 

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