The Painful Truth

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He looked over his shoulder, irritated as he heard Sinan apologising to the other passengers as Omer forged ahead, along the concourse and out towards immigration. A hand clapped on his shoulder and Omer was pulled to a halt. 

"Bro, you need to slow down."

"Sinan... waiting for you has already slowed me down. I need to see Defne."

"Look, I get it, we've discussed this, but you know that you can't just bulldoze your way in there. You need to have some tact, man."

Omer handed their passports to the immigration officer and huffed at Sinan. "Don't you want to see Yasemin? Aren't you desperate to win her back?"

Sinan's face fell as the immigration officer waved them through towards the baggage claim area. "Of course! But Omer, I know I can't just throw her over my shoulder and march her back to Turkey. She's already run away, you know where she is... what's the harm in slowing down a little?" Sinan pointed to the baggage carousel for their flight. "This one. Look, I'm not saying that we need to wait for a week, but maybe we should wait for a couple of days, work out what's going on?"

"I just want to take her back Sinan, she belongs with me, in Istanbul. We belong together, haven't we gone through enough?"

"I know." Sinan kept an eye on the carousel as the bags started to appear. "Let's get our bags, go back to the hotel and settle in, and make a plan."

Sighing, Omer nodded shortly. All he wanted was to see Defne, he didn't want to wait for Sinan, he had the address, he just needed to set his eyes on her and he knew that would make him feel a hundred percent better. 

Once they reached the hotel, Omer started to work out the quickest route between there and Defne's apartment. They were on the same side of the city, twenty minutes walking distance. He was memorising the route when Sinan entered his room and immediately frowned.

"Omer, we agreed to give it a few days."

"What are we going to learn by sitting here Sinan? If we want to find out what they are doing, how they are, we are going to need to go there and see for ourselves."

"What if we hire someone here to do it?"

"I need to see her myself, Sinan."

Sinan sighed, nodding. "Yes, I knew you would. Doesn't this feel a little stalkerish though?"

"Right now, I couldn't care less." Omer picked up his wallet and room key, slipping it into the bifold and placing it in his pocket. "Are you coming?"

Sinan sighed, knowing that there would be no way to dissuade his friend. 

Omer had been persuaded to sit outside the coffee shop across the street from the apartment building, and that they would wait to see if they caught sight of either Defne or Yasemin, that perhaps turning up at the door would be overwhelming for either of the women. In all honestly, Sinan himself was worried about how Yasemin would react, but either way, they needed to resolve what was between them. They either needed to try again to make things work, or they needed to agree to separate. 

Omer sipped on his coffee, they'd been sitting here for two hours and in all honesty, he was at the point of just going to the door. Maybe catching her off guard would be a good thing, though he knew she was going to be caught off guard however he saw her. It wasn't as though he had a number he could reach her on anymore, though the investigator in Turkey was trying to pull that information for him. 

Sinan had his back to the building, turning to look over his shoulder at the quiet street. "Anything?"

"I'm still sat here aren't I?"

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