The Rarest

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Aunt Turkan took her seat at the head of the table, Omer and Defne sitting across from one another, Defne eying the matriarch nervously. Turkan looked between them both. 


Omer winked at her reassuringly. It was going to be okay. 

"Defne, what you did... to yourself, to this man, your family... it was wrong. You lied, to us both." Defne took a deep breath and looked to the table, ashamed. "But..." Her eyes lifted to meet her grandmother's. "If you hadn't, then Serdar might not be with us any longer."

Defne was dizzy with relief, they could fix this. Omer nodded at Turkan, forcing a small smile for Defne and reaching across the table to take one of her hands in his, squeezing gently. 

"I was angry at Omer, for so long... I couldn't understand how he could leave such a perfect girl, how he couldn't look at you and see the beautiful, strong young woman that I see every day. Now I understand why he left... and it's clear that you both love one another so much that you've found a way to move past the hurt and the lies."

"We have, grandma. We're happy, we want to be together. There's nothing between us anymore."

Turkan held up her hand to stop Defne from speaking further. "Defne... despite all of that, I still remember how heartbroken you were each time Omer walked away from you before the wedding, how ill you became after the wedding... I can't just forget that those things happened."

It was Omer's turn to hang his head in shame. Turkan glancing between them. 

"You've overcome a lot of struggles, it's clear that you love one another, I won't deny that, and while I will accept your relationship... I won't give my blessing for you to marry, not until you have passed a year... without problems."

"Grandma!" Defne was half out of her seat, but Omer tugged her down insistently. Turkan met her granddaughter's eyes with a steely coolness. 

"Take it or leave it, Defne. That is my condition."

Frustrated, she met Omer's eyes and he nodded patiently, smiling warmly. Letting go of her hand, he turned to Turkan and took her hand in his, pressing a kiss to it and touching it to his forehead. "Thank you, for giving me, us, another chance, Aunt Turkan. We'll do as you wish, we'll wait a year. I can wait... I've waited this long. I'm grateful that you're willing to accept us. I'll prove myself to you again. I love Defne, I can't live without her, and so, I'll do whatever you want to make you comfortable."

Defne couldn't believe that he was taking this so well. A year! She'd already waited so long to be Omer's wife, it was unreasonable. 

Turkan stood, and Omer stood at the same time. Placing a hand on Defne's shoulder, she looked down at her seriously. "I'm tired, it's been a long journey... I'm going to bed, I'll leave you to say goodnight to your young man."

Biting her tongue, annoyed, Defne nodded. "Alright. Goodnight."

Turkan turned back to Omer. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Aunt Turkan."

She nodded, and turned, heading back up the stairs. Omer grabbed their empty mugs from the table and walked to the kitchen, setting them down next to the sink. Defne huffed and stood, her eyes falling on Omer, who turned and leaned against the counter, arms braced against it as he met her eyes. 

"You're really going to let us wait a year?"

Tutting, Omer walked over to her, drawing her into his arms. "Yes. If that is the only way that I can be with you, then yes... of course, I'm going to wait."

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