The Surprise

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I know it's been a while since I posted on this, I'm not going to be back to this story regularly because of the other two I have on the go, however I thought I would post this short chapter just because people were asking for it. It's not long, but hopefully it keeps you going.

It had been a couple of weeks since Defne's grandma had returned to their home, and things seemed to be going well, with no signs of a relapse. Defne was finally feeling like she could breathe again. 

Things with Omer were going even better. There was no lie between them any longer, no reason for them to be apart, and Defne was just starting to reconcile herself to the fact that she would need to tell her grandmother soon. Whilst sneaking out to meet with Omer held a certain level of excitement, she knew she would die of mortification and shame if she was caught. 

Serdar had made it clear that she had to tell Aunt Turkan soon, or he would. While he had accepted that Defne and Omer would be together regardless of his feelings on the matter, he wasn't ready to accept that Defne would lie to the family for longer than strictly necessary. 

Swinging her bag over her shoulder, Defne hurried out of the house, pulling the heavy wooden door closed behind her and started to make her way down the street, a small smile tugging at her lips. When she reached the bottom of the street, she turned the corner and felt her heart skip a beat when she saw Omer there, leaning against the hood of his car, waiting for her. Picking up pace, she hurried over to him, smiling when he took both of her hands in his and pressed a gentle kiss to the back of one of them. 

"Good morning."

"Good morning, my love. I missed you last night." His dark eyes bore into hers and she bit her lip, embarrassed. 

"I missed you too."

"What did you tell your grandma?"

"I told her that I had work to do, so I would need to go in today to catch up."

"Good, does that mean that I get to hold you until tonight?"

She smiled and raised an eyebrow. "When are you going to get tired of me?"

"Never... come on, let's go home. I have a surprise waiting for you."

Her face brightened and she smiled brilliantly. "A surprise?.. What is it? Tell me."

He sighed and led her to the passenger side of the door. "You are so impatient. You'll need to wait and see." He waited until she slipped into the seat before placing a quick peck on her cheek and closing the door, striding around to the passenger side of the car and slipping in. 

Starting the engine, he tugged his seatbelt on and took one last glance at her, smiling as they pulled out onto the road. Things were finally looking up for them, they were back on track, and as soon as he could win over Aunt Turkan, he could marry Defne, again, only this time he'd never let her go. 

The drive to the house was pleasant enough, him listening to her chatting away animatedly about dinner with the family last night, Esra's latest test scores and the fact that she was probably smarter than all four adults in the house put together, and about her latest design ideas. The conversation didn't require much input from him, but it felt so comforting to hear her chatter away to him, knowing that he was a part of this life. 

When they pulled into the driveway, she jumped out of the car excitedly. "So, where is it? What is it?"

He chuckled as he closed the door, walking around the car and slinging an arm around her shoulder, leading her up the path and towards the front door. "Defne, seriously, I cannot get over this childlike excitement that you reserve for surprises. It's as though...."

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