#8 Spider? This is amazing!

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Oh what was that? I said I was going to do weekly updates?! Ohhhhhh
Really sorry about that I have no idea where I'm going with this so until I get motivation and ideas It'll probably be monthly updates-
Sorry for all the time skips ahead of time btw


Patrol.. again.  And this time no one to help him oh boy this won't end well...
"Who the f^ck..?" If this was a normal night some weird dude that had just stolen a pop tart from 7/11 would be 'trying' to catch Tommy yet fail every time, but uh you guessed it, it wasn't a normal night it never was. "Who are you? And uhhhh why are you out so late your like 4 or something?" The kid just continued to stare up at him 'what's their problem?' "Um helllooo.." He crouched down to be face to face with them. They had long curly bangs completely covering their eyes though the smallest bits of red eyes were visible past them. They wore a tattered red hoodie and shorts, their knees were covered with bandaids and dirt. "Soo uhh are you good or yknow, not good" The kid then pushed their bangs out of their face slightly and smiled 'holy sh|t this is f^cking amazing'
Before he knew it he was walking back to his 'house' with the small kid, patrol could hold off for the night.. probably.


"Ok I'll ask one more time and I'll say it slow too so your peanut sized brain can understand ok?" 'Rude much?'  "So you were doing patrol correct?" Tommy nodded "And you found a 4 year old kid." "Pretty much" said kid was tugging Tommy's ear at the moment.  "So you had the bright idea of bringing this 4 year old into a small cramped apartment because?" "Felt right" he could hear muffled chuckles from behind tubbo.  "Look how f^ckin' adorable he iiiisssss- OW!- SH|T"  Defenestration wasn't what had happened but instead his hair had been tugged back and his head turned to the ceiling.  "Well we can't keep him this isn't even fit for 2 people to live in we can't have 4."  Both Tommy and his new found spider obsessed friend stared blankly at tubbo- well one stared the other kinda looked at his bangs.  Suddenly an idea had popped into Tommy's head.  "Oh! I know!! How about we call Your brother and ask him too-"
"Hey dream? Yea you mind coming here for a bit, thanks." And to that he hung up.


"So uh why do you have a toddler?" Normally(I overuse this word to much) when 3 broke kids who live in a 1 bedroom apartment see one of the top 5 heroes in their home it's like 'I'm in heaven correct?' But in this case seeing Dream and not even thinking it was strange was normal.  Dream was tubbos brother in some way to be completely honest he had no idea if they were adopted brothers or actual brothers but didn't care enough to ask either. Why do they live in a shifty broke down apartment if one of their brothers is a top hero you may ask? Because of a stupid promise they made with each other what dumbasses-

"Hmm, I don't know why I have a toddler.  Hey Tommy why don't you explain why YOU brought a toddler home?"  'Oh sh|t' "1 I wanted to, 2 d'yknow that he likes spiders?" Haha everyone's staring at him like he's a f^cking idiot "ok c'mon I couldn't just leave him in the streets! I'm to nice to do th- OW-.. ignore that." "Maybe just um keep him for a bit?  See what happens in a few weeks or so I donknow" 

After a few minutes he had left and they were back with the three- four of them in the apartment.  "Do you even know their name?" No he didn't "um- of course I do!" He didn't "ok, then what is it."  Quick think think.. ok a cool name I'm.. oh got it, it's-"Shroud" "repeat that?" "Shroud?" His ear was tugged once again and when he looked down Shroud was smiling up at him, approving the name. "Ok well I'm going to bed, he's your problem now" ok so now he just has to find a place for him and shroud to sleep for the night.

He didn't have to find one he was on the floor while shroud took the sofa. 
Maybe it was a good thing he skipped patrol that night.

Shorter chapter then usual to make up for the shit last one 😭
Btw in the parts that say d'yknow or donknow I won't do often I just write like that sometimes cause I'm used to talking like that lol
Anyways I'll make the Christmas special soon and I have many ideas so I hope it'll be good!
This is also not a mha x dsmp ff I just love hero fics so I made my own lol
Bye bye :]

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