#2 You liteally kidnapped me

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Art by piedpip3rr on Instagram
This already sucks forgive me-

Tommy POV:

"This.. is illegal.." Whisper looked down at him and grinned. "Not as much if you yourself is illegal Tommy" Tommy shivered at the way Whisper said his name, and just the fact he knows it. Tommy scooted farther away from Whisper 'as soon as that door opens I'll run faster then ever before-' his thoughts were rudely interrupted by a person as tall as their own ego. "Tommy why are you being so moody, you just got here" Tommy glared at Whisper as he moped "Are you serious?" He said with a bit of aggression "You literally kidnapped me"

Whisper huffed acting like a child 'thought I was the child heh' the door suddenly opened and The Blade walked in, Tommy dashed for the door planning out his escape.  He jumped to the roof and started scouting the area for places to hide until he could atleast call Tubbo.  He turned around to see Whisper floating like the ghost bitch he is and before he could say a word, Tommy wings opened 'this f^cking suuuuucks' Whisper dropped to the roof becoming completely visible and getting a feather smacked right in his mouth 'L' Tommy couldn't help but laugh as he took off.
Wow that was quick


Tommy POV:

He picked up his phone and started to call his friend 'be prepared to get defenestrated soon' He gags as he imagines the disgusting dumpster..
Barley a second later tubbo picks up
"Heeeeeeyyy tubbo haha" he laughs nervously "so short story I'll make it long so your not as mad-" "You got kidnapped by number 1 and 3 hero's correct?" The silence after he said that felt like it went forever, god how lame could he be sometimes "Yeeeeess.. Your not mad riiiight" he again laughs nervously before being teleported back to his apartment.

Tommy looks back to see ranboob, he frowns as he's thrown right out the window as soon as he looks back infront of of him. After his sad short shower he got dressed and went to bed even though it was around 1 in the morning and he had to go to his job, who cares Niki will probably let me in late.

Niki let me in late today... but at what cost. Tommy stared at the table which sat Whisper and The Blade he ran to the back of the bakery as soon as Whisper closed his eyes to think. 'Why does the world hate me' ofcourse being just Tommy's luck he was the only one in today because Fundy had to be sick and Puffy was on another adventure with foolish and someone named Clay? He slowly walked back out to get their orders dreading what came next.

Wilbur POV:

Wilbur glared at Theseus the whole time, he had lost his appetite as soon as he saw the mischievous gremlin be their server for the day.  He watched Tommy's gaze shift to him, he guessed he asked what he wanted. "Just a water" he nodded and left to get their items. He turned his face to be met with a confused and bewildered look. "What?"Ok now he's the confused one. "He was the one at the house yesterday" Wilbur nods and laughs a bit "Ah you do remember Theseus" Wilbur smirked at his brothers confusion yet again.  Theseus soon came out with their drinks and was obviously tense from Wilburs glares, god what an ass.  "Thank you Tommy" Wilbur smirked again that wicked smile, Tommy glared right back at him. "Your welcome Wilbur" the shock on Wilbur's face was priceless

Wilbur was snapped back to reality by his Brothers laughter at the picture he had taken. "You look brain dead" 'brain dead?! This stupid gremlin' He very obviously got embarrassed and mad soon staring right at Tommy for about half a minute, obviously trying to say he'd get him back for such a embarrassing moment in his life, heh L.

Tommy POV:

He laughed at how embarrassed Whisper was, I mean him and Angel could've been quieter when they talked yesterday 'seriously how is he not surprised I heard him, I was slung over his shoulder for XD sake'


Tommy didn't bother doing patrol that night for once ranboo was doing it, but ofcourse if he did find something Tommy would have to take care of it, and another reason he knew Whisper would be out for his head that night.  Let's just hope he got his luck bzck today so he could rest a bit....
Ok it's to quite I see why I like going out so much, but alas Tommy started drifting off to sleep 'this will be my first good sleep in awhile..' yup to good to be true suddenly ranboo was right above him "Um Tommy we have a problem" He could feel ranboob staring at him "..." "Uh Tommy?- OH FOR XD SAKE JUST TAKE ME THERE ALREADY" ugh must he have to go I mean, it can't be that bad right? "Hes kinda right outside the door soo" "Whos outside the door" Tommy asked even though he already knew who it was 'oh no...'
What a shit day for Tommyinnit he thought to himself as Whisper practically nocked down the apartments door.

"Um hi" Tommy blurted out before being teleported to the roof and before he knew it being chased by Whisper.. AGAIN.. it couldn't get any worse huh
Welp there was the gust of air he was begging not to hear, he turned around again to be met with the gaze of Whisper who's eyes seemed to be glowing with flames 'god he needs anger management classes ASAP' and the eyes of Angel who seemed to be more stern like a annoyed father then a bloodthirsty crazy ghost bitch like the one next to him.  Well atleast he had some luck left today right?  Wrong, he opened his wings as wide as they could go, in the split second he turned back to see Whisper who seemed even more mad and Angel looked happy? 'What weirdos' ....
Tommy went face first into a billboard after that.

1034 words
I literally had no ideas so forgive me for this one
Last line kinda seems like the last chapter huuuh
um hope you enjoyed even though this chapter sucks-
Bye bye :)

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