Start the training!

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Harper POV
" IM TAKING THE BLACK ONE!" Sophie yelled the second we're out of the meeting, me and Avery just laughed " Alright! I wanted the dapple one anyway, Avery you're getting the bay one" I said while laughing " What are you gonna call him then?" I asked her " hmm.. Star or his show name can be.. ah! Starless night" she said looking proud " What about you Avery!" " mm Cody and his show name can be Rise and Shine! You then Harper?" " I'll call her Dawn and her show name can be I don't know.. Dusk till Dawn?"

Sophie POV
" Should we just go for a hack with them first?" Harper asked "yea, then we can take them in the arena to check their gaites afterwards" Avery looked happy about getting to ride Cody, I was also very exited to ride Star! We had gotten them in and was grooming them now. "Good boy" I said when he didn't flinch or anything when I tightened the girth his saddle were as black as him and had a turquoise saddle pad and again a black bridle.

Harper POV
Dawn, well she has personality. We were walking outside to the mounting block so we could get on them obviously, I put my feet in the stirrup and felt her backing away from me, I quickly slung my leg over and collected her so she could stand still while we waited for the others.

We were just walking and chatting about how these horses are so different from Lucas, Rap and Biscuit. Dawn was all jumpy and spooked at almost everything and Biscuit was steady and slow and didn't spook at anything. " Carol's calling me give me sec, Hey, yea" I heard Avery say " That'd be awesome!" She said again.
" Bye" " Guys you'll never guess what she told me!" Avery beamed with happiness " What?" Sophie said with a smirk on her face. " She said that if we train them good enough we can compete in the Dressage + Show jumping competition next month!" I don't think I've ever seen Avery that happy " You mean the Club competition? Where everyone at the club competes to be the best?" I asked cause if it was then I'd be surprised if I got top 3 even tho I've won the last 3 years, but hey we're trying.

"Do y'all wanna try some gallop" Sophie said with a smug grin on her face as we got to where we always galloped. It was a long gravel road which fits about 5 horses beside each other

" Fine, but you're paying the hospital bills if I get injured" I joked, Avery just nodded and so she set off in gallop

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" Fine, but you're paying the hospital bills if I get injured" I joked, Avery just nodded and so she set off in gallop.
Dawn just needed a tiny squeeze and she set of after Star. I've never galloped this fast before, I felt the wind hitting my face and my eyes watering, I love the feeling of being neck to neck with Sophie and to our surprise Avery soon came up on my right side

I gave Dawn the extra little squeeze she needed and then she ran, I felt her tail flicker as she bolted away so far in front of them.
As we started to get to the end of the road I sat down in the saddle, focused my weight down and pulled slightly on the reins to get her to slow down, to my surprise she slowed immediately, exactly like the dressage horses in the Olympics.
I gave her a big hug and gave her a treat that I found in my jacket.

Soon Sophie can in sight breathing heavily and patting Star on the neck as she slowed him to a trot then walk and then stop. " Damn.. these horses know what speed is" She muttered under her breath, then not even a second later Avery came behind, smiling like a five year old. " He was so good!" She smiled " Not like Rap at all and stopped when I tugged slightly on the reins!" I smiled at her " That's awesome Av!" Then we walked all the way back and got in the arena to check how they were on the basics.
I watched Sophie on Star and they looked like they had known each other forever and worked perfectly in sync together, we were just doing an easy dressage test we all had memorised. Then I heard a loud RIIING it was my phone.. "Hey? Principal Marina? What do you need? That's horrible.. No that's fine I'll break the news to them, Okay bye.." " Guys it was Marina the principal of OEA, she said that the Equestrian program wouldn't go through this year because of lack of students. So we have till next year to find a new horse" I broke the news to them asI said "That's horrible!" I heard Sophie shout as she trotted up the central line and stopped at X. " Well if we look at the positive maybe we can buy these horses?" Avery said sounding optimistic "Yea, maybe if we show them that we can do really great things together with them and offer a high price" Sophie suggested as I walked into the arena.

I slowly forgot all about my phone call and the whole situation as I pushed her into an extended trot and trotted up the central line and did a halt at X before going into a sitting trot. A circle at P then diagonal with extended trot, same thing on the other hand. Down the quarter line pushing her to the wall, circle at A, canter, diagonal with extended canter. I felt her move perfectly in sync beneath me and even just the slightest movement of mine and she did what she thought she needed to do. I love her,I really do love her. I decided then and there that this was the horse I wanted.


I helped Avery with Cody as she was next and was really late, so when she got in the ring we were all delightful.

"Next up is Avery Smith and Rise and Shine, Welcome them in the ring" I heard the volunteer say into the mic as Brit came up to me "Listen Harper, we have a buyer that wants to see how Dawn is and if they like her they'll buy her so please do your best to get her to walk collected and nice" I felt my heart drop at those words.. she's getting sold. and I'm not the buyer. All I managed to do was nod and internally wishing she would spook at something completely normal so that the buyer didn't want her anymore.

~ Dusk till Dawn and the time limit~Where stories live. Discover now