Chapter 33

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Samantha's P.O.V

I felt something around my waist it was warm.

It felt like a hand I was not sure who's was it but I can feel the fingers moving around.

I tried to think where was I last night but I don't remember anything.

I felt a sudden pain in my head, it hurt so much that it woke me up from my sleep.

I heard someone calling my name very softly and also the hand was still around my waist.

I opened my eyes I saw a blurry figure in front of me.

I rubbed my eyes a little then I saw it was Niall.

Niall: "Hey, you're up."

I smiled at him I realised it was his hand which was around my waist.

I was on a bed in a room, I didn't know what happened yesterday.

What the hell happened?

Did me and Niall had it?

No way.

Noo way.

I can't.

I trusted him, he won't do that.

He knows I don't believe sex before marriage.

He knows.

I checked under the comforter, my clothes was still on.

I was so relived.

I saw Niall starring at me with an evil smile, he looked creepy like a pedophile.

Niall: "Does your head hurts?"

Me: "Go away, Niall. I want to sleep."

Niall: "No. Wake up."

He gave me a push and smiled.

I hid under the comforter I kicked him since he was beside me.

Without noticing I kicked something else but this time it was behind me.

Then I heard someone's voice saying ouch.

I wasn't sure who was it.

Was there someone beside me?

I thought me and Niall are the only one.

I pulled the comforter down to see who was it and I saw Zayn.

Niall: "What the hell, man."

Zayn: "What the hell. Shut up."

Niall: "What are you doing here?"

Zayn: "Just for your information. This is MY room. NO snogging in my room. Get out."

Niall: "Then how the hell did we end up here."

Zayn: "Ask Liam. Now get out.

Me: "Sorry Zayn, for waking you up. Come on Niall. Let's go."

I grabbed Niall's hand and went out Zayn's room.

*How did we end up there?*

Niall: "Go wash up. I'll meet you at the dining room."

He kissed my cheeks and left.

I went to the bathroom.

*Wait, I don't have my toothbrush.*


Niall: "Yeah, babe?"

Me: "I don't have my toothbrush."

Niall: "Can you brush your teeth later?"

Me: "NO. I'm a clean girl."

Niall: "Can you just use mine?"

Me: "Do I have to?"

Niall: "If you want to."

Me: "What colour is it?"

Niall: "It's the blue one."

I took the blue toothbrush rinse it with some water and put some toothpaste.

I felt disgusted because I don't feel like using other people's toothbrush.

But I have to brush my teeth.

A sudden thought came into my mind.

*I exchange saliva with Niall literally every time we meet. So it won't be disgusting if I use his toothbrush.*

I went on to brush my teeth with Niall's toothbrush.

I went to the dining room to meet Niall.

I saw Liam and Louis there.

Louis looked so weird he was a little down.

Maybe he is suffering from hangover like me.

Liam looked fine, I bet he didn't drink at all last night.

I sat down between them since the seat was empty.

Niall was no where to be found.

Me: "Where's Niall?"

Liam: "He's waking Harry up."

He said it to me while giggling a bit. Louis was giggling too and I don't know why.

Louis: "Looks like someone got a hickey."

*Hickey? What? Can't be me. I didn't do anything last night.*

Both of them were starring at me, and obviously that made me think I was the one who got the hickey.

I gave Louis the eye twitching thingy.

I took my phone out from my pocket and used my camera facing me and trying to spot if there's any hickey on my neck.

I spot something on my neck under my jawline.

Liam and Louis started laughing and from that moment I was sure I am the one with the hickey.


I fangirled a lot when writing the part when Niall was waking Sam up. Hickey? Who?

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