F o u r

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Julie stood awkwardly and alone on the stage while the eyes of her classmates stared at her in confusion. She forced a smile on her face as she tried to figure out what to do. The room went completely silent until a boy ran onto the stage next to Julie and asked the question that everyone was thinking, "Hey, where'd the rest of the band go?"

"Wait. We're those holograms?" One of Carrie's friends asked, earning a death glare from Carrie. Julie's face lit up as the girl gave her the perfect explanation for what had happened.

"Yes! Yes, they were holograms," Julie lied as she lightly chuckled to herself. "I plugged it into the ceiling projector before the show. I'd explain it, but it involves algorithms and science stuff." Julie explained. The crowd nodded, believing the lie then they all began cheering again.

"That's wild," Luke muttered from the side of the stage. "They could see us when we were playing, but not when the music ended."

"We should double-check," Reggie suggested then hopped onto the stairs that led to the stage and waved his butt in front of the audience. When no one looked over at him Reggie nodded then started heading back down the stairs. "Yeah, I don't.... I don't think they can see us."

"I wish I couldn't see you," Alex and Sophia muttered, earning a hurt look from Reggie. As the group poofed out into the hall. The sounds of footsteps heading towards them made the teen's eye's widened. They all quickly moved so that Alex and Reggie were holding Luke up on their legs while Sophia kneeled in front of them. The four of them held their hands outright as Julie walked around the corner,

"Julie!" they all shouted making Julie scream.

"You! Stop doing that," Julie shouted as Sophia stood up and the boys set Luke down.

"I'm serious."

"Whoa! This one's all on you," Reggie claimed making Julie's eyebrows furrow.

"We were already here. Well, actually, we were over there, and then we came over here."

"Are we not gonna talk about what just happened?" Luke asked, wrapping an arm around Sophia's shoulder as she pushed his hands off of her.

"Yeah, the whole school saw you. It's kinda freaking me out," Julie replied as she looked between Luke and Sophia.

"Okay, good, 'cause it's kind of freaking me out too," Alex interjected. "You know, you could see us, and then people could see us whenever we play music. And my clothes are made of air, but for some reason, I'm still getting a wedgie," Alex explained quickly. Luke quickly gave Sophia a confused look then rubbed Alex's back trying to calm him down. All while everyone else gave Alex a confused and slightly grossed-out look. "So many questions," he sighed

"The important thing is that we rocked that place. They were loving you!" Luke said excitedly.

"Are you kidding? They loved us. That was a great song, Luke. Thanks," Julie added as she looked at Luke completely forgetting that Sophia wrote the song too.

"A-And did you guys see the cheerleaders looking at me? I think they were looking at me," Reggie sighed as he thought back to the cheerleaders. "Please tell me they were looking at me."

"Bro they were looking at you," Luke laughed as he held Reggie's face.

"I'm so..... I'm so confused, you know?" Alex asked, "The afterlife should come with instructions or a quick start guide or something."

"Well, the good thing is that everyone thought guys were holograms, and... I got back into the program," Julie said but not in the excited voice the group was expecting.

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