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The boys walked towards the Orpheum discussing their plan that will hopefully save them from working for Caleb for the rest of eternity or being destroyed by the jolts.

"Look, don't worry, guys. Willie said he'd get us on that marquee," Alex reminded them, as they came to a stop outside of the Orpheum. "This is gonna work, right?" Reggie asked.

"It has to, " Luke said right as another jolt hit the three of them, this one was, even more, stronger than the last one. The three boys groaned as they held their bodies trying to regain their composure.

"Hey, are you guys okay?" Willie asked when he poofed in behind them.

"Yeah. Yeah, it's nothing we haven't felt before," Alex told him. "How'd it go?"

"Well, when that opening band wakes up, they're gonna find their bus two hundred miles outside of Vegas," Willie said as he showed them the back of his new jacket, "with no chance of a getting back in time." Luke stepped forward giving Willie a high five. "And that means there's a promoter upstairs right about now freaking' Out."

"Nah. This is Hollywood, man. I'm sure he's being very professional," Willie said with a smirk on his face. Alex stepped forward so he could privately talk to Willie while Luke and Reggie all turned around giving them their privacy.

"Soph still doesn't think we should trust him," Reggie told Luke, making him shrug. "It's not like we have another option," Luke said. They both turned around slightly seeing Willie skate away from Alex. "Let's go."

"Alex, you all right, man?" Reggie asked as they all moved to stand with Alex.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay," Alex sighed.

"Well thanks to Willie, Panic! At The Disco needs an opening band," Luke smirked. "Then I guess someone up there needs to know we're available." The three of them poofed up to where the manager was currently yelling at someone over the phone.

"No... No, stop. Stop!" the man yelled as the person on the other side of the phone spoke. "Stop! Stop saying the bus drove itself." He yelled, hitting the phone on his desk. "Yeah, Willie was right. This guy's a total pro," Reggie whispered. "All right, guys. Let the magic happen. Alex, no dancing." Luke said then Alex immediately lifted his hand and began dancing around the room until he knocked a jar of pens off the woman's desk.

"What?" the woman asked in confusion then leaned over to pick up the pens. Reggie and Alex leaned over her as they both quickly tried to pull up the video of their band and write Julie's phone number on the pencil pad.

"She's coming. She's coming.'" Reggie quickly hit play on the video they filmed the other day, right as the woman sat up. She looked at the screen in confusion but then she started nodding her head enjoying the song. The three ghosts leaned over the woman's shoulder as she watched the video in amusement. "Tasha! Get me CJ. Tell him I need a band to open in three hours." 

"Sure, but you might wanna check this out," she said with a sly smile on her face.

"What? I'll call you back," the man said as he dropped the phone and moved over to Tasha's side.

"Somehow this video started playing on my laptop. It's got a half a million hits in just two days," she informed him.

"Who are they?"

"They're a hologram band. They call themselves Julie and the Phantoms."

"Tell your friends," Reggie said with a smirk.

"Where are they located?"

"Our very own City of Angels," she said as the boys exchanged a smile between each other.

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