Another Day at Freddy's

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Delaven's POV:
While I was sleeping, an alarm clock blared through my eardrums.
"Oh my god, shut up.." I say to the annoying clock.
I slam my hand on the snooze button and go back to sleep, but the alarm blared again.
"SHUT THE HELL UP!!" I scream.
I grab the clock and unplug it. From my frustration over the blasted alarm, I was awake. I look to my right, Mangle wasn't there. Thank God she didn't hear me yell over the stupid clock. I get out of bed and walk out of the room, where was she at? She said something about going to Bonnie's to help him with something. Is she still there or did she leave? I'll go to the workshop, just in case.

Mangle's POV:
My eyes shoot wide awake from the nightmare I had. I look to my surroundings, it was the workshop. I raise my head from the desk and stretch my arms.

"Gosh, Mangle! You had me scared for a moment! Are you alright?" asked Bonnie.

I replied with: "I'm okay, Bonnie. Just had a weird dream."
(Note from FreddyMan2020: I decided to revamp the quotes since this is kinda a remake.)
I leave the workshop to find myself in Del's arms. He looked happy to see me.

"There you are, Mangle! I was looking everywhere for you!" Delaven said.

"I'm glad you decided to find me. I was in the workshop," I explain.

"Oh, that's where you were!" Del exclaimed. "Anyway, come on! I heard from Fre-er Dad- er Fredd-or-"

"Call him Freddy, he told you that four years ago!" I chuckle.

"Sorry, I still trying to get over that," Del apologized.

"You don't have to be, I understand what you mean." I say back.

"Alright! Come on! Freddy wants us to help with preparations for the birthday party! He wants us to set up all the tables, and arrange all the party decor." Del continued talking.

As we both walked to the dining room, I take a look at the mirror and spot what looked like Freddy but...he looked...purple? When was Freddy purple? What's with the red eyes? He seems to be....grinning. What does he find enjoyable? Wait..he's raising his arm and...are those claws? Is-is that blood on them?!

Delaven's POV:
I turn to see Mangle quivering at her reflection. Why is she acting strange? It's just her reflection, nothing to be afraid of. I should remind her.

"Mangle?" I ask. "Is everything alright? Mangle? Mangle?"

Something wasn't right about this. I grab her arms and turn her to my front.

"Mangle!" I yell. That seemed to snap her out of it.

"Wha-whuh?" Mangle stammered.

"Are you okay?" I question, worried.

"I-I-I'm fine. I..need to visit Freddy for a bit." Mangle said, shaking while looking at the mirror. "Bye!"

She ran to Freddy's office and closed the door, like she was in a hurry. What just happened with her? Either she's seeing things, or something is wrong...VERY wrong.

Mangle's POV:
I stand to the door, shaking in fear. What was that I saw? I think it was just a hallucination from all the sleep deprivation, but still it was terrifying.

"Ah, Mangle! What brings you here on this fine morning?" Freddy greeted as if he was..fine? Did he get over Foxy's memories being lost? I'm not gonna tell Freddy that I had a hallucination of a purple clone of himself..he'll think I'm going insane or he'll send me away! He's looking impatient. He doesn't like it when someone gets here for nothing!! I gotta think of something...a excuse..anything! But what? Oh! I know!

"I was thinking...maybe we anniversary party!" I lie.

"An anniversary party? For what?" Freddy questioned.

"For...when me and Del first met! Yes! That! I just wanted to cherish the moment we first laid eyes on each other." I say to Freddy, feeling bad for lying to him.

"Hmmm.." Freddy thought.

This isn't gonna work, I know it!

"Okay! Sound like a wonderful idea to me! Now don't you have some arrangements to work on with Del? I assigned you those minutes ago! Get to it, chop chop!" Freddy ushered.

I leave the office, relieved. Got away with a dirty lie. I still feel terrible for it, anniversary for when Del and I first met seems like a good idea. Might bring back good memories...or bad ones..but with everything that's going on...that'll probably have to wait.

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