The Party Begins

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Delaven's POV:
While I was setting up tables for the party guests, Mangle came in and she didn't look good. Was she sick? I wasn't gonna leave without checking on her. I have to do something.

"Mangle, you don't look so well. Are you okay?" I ask. "Do you need to rest? I have a rest area made for you if you want,"

"No thanks, I'm fine. Really," Mangle groaned.

"Are you absolutely sure? Cause you don't look fine to me," I say.

"Del, I'm alright," She said. "I can help,"

"Okay. If you're sure, I won't stop you. Just be careful, please," I reply.

"I will." says Mangle.

She walked to help with the rest of the decor, but I still feel worried about her. I know she doesn't feel well, but I don't want to upset her. I'll just stay close to her, so I can keep my eye on her.

Mangle's POV:
I feel terrible for lying to Freddy back there, but I couldn't just tell him a completely unbelievable story about a purple doppelganger of himself, he wouldn't believe me. I try to help Chica with the banner but my head was hurting like crazy.

"Are you alright, Mangle?" Chica asked.

"I just got a bit of a headache, but I can help," I say.

"Oh, no no no. I got it. But thanks for trying to help," Chica said.

"Thanks, Chica. I'll just go help Bonnie with the tables," I point.

Chica's reason was acceptable, but I didn't want to feel leftout or useless. But when I walked to Bonnie, I saw that a bunch of cars arrived.


"Come on, Mangle! I know you want to help, but I don't know if you are even alright enough." Bonnie said to me.

"But, I'm fine! Honest!" I say.

"Mangle, you are not. You have a headache and you seem to have an upset system." Bonnie replied.

"Bonnie, I am fine. I can help. I know I can." I say before getting another headache.

"Mangle, how about you just sit this one out while we do the work?" Bonnie offered.

"Ok, fine. You win," I gave up.

"Here. Let me walk with you." Del offered.

As I walked to my room to rest, I hear a faint laughter echo. I must be out of my mind.

"Did you hear that?" I ask.

"Hear what?" Del asked.

"That laughter, I just heard it," I say.

"I didn't hear anything," Del said.

"I thought I did," I wonder.

After a while, I started to feel better and actually helped around the place. But, during that, I saw some terrifying sights. I was outside, the pizzeria was on fire, corpses were everywhere, and I saw Del..being beaten by a knight of some kind, but it seemed to be evil.

"Mangle?" Freddy asked.

"Huh? Wh-wh-what?" I ask, snapping out of the vision.

"I just wanted to know if you can like serve some extra utensils to Table #4? The toddlers managed to lose track of them," Freddy explained.

"Oh, of-of course, I'll get on that right away," I stammered.

While I was doing that, a kid screamed, but it wasn't on excitement. I rush to the kid and he seemed to be scared.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" I ask the child.

"Scary...purple bear..." The child weeped. "It ran toward grabbed my leg and pulled me.."

The child then hugged me and started to cry. When he mentioned "purple bear", I knew something was wrong.

Del's POV:
When I heard a child scream, I rushed to find out. At that point, the kid was sobbing with Mangle in his arms. He seemed to be terrified of something.

"What just happened here?" I ask Mangle.

"The kid saw a purple bear and says it tried to pull him in." Mangle explained.

"A purple bear? We don't have any purple bears here. Nor we ever had one." I say.

Then, I felt something touch my shoulder. I turn and there was a purple bear right there. He had red eyes and seemed to be menacing.

"Don't let your fear think what's best for you?," he said. "Or all of Hell will crash down onto you,"

The bear then scratched my shoulder, which pained me. When he disappeared, the scratch was still there. It wasn't a hallucination, but it felt like one.

"Del, something scratched you!" Mangle yelled.

"It wasn't a dream." The child said before running for his mother.

"That purple bear. Who is he?" I ask.

"I don't know who he is. But he seems to be hostile.

"What the hell just happened here? Del, my son! What happened to your shoulder?" Freddy exclaimed.

"I got scratched by something." I say.

"I told you numerous times to not get yourself carried away. What will the children think of you if you are seen as a heavily injured fox?" Freddy said as he bandaged up my injury.  "I need you to stay safe, kiddo!"

"Look, the scratch wasn't from my recklessness! It was from a purple bear!" I explain.

"A purple bear?" Freddy questioned.

"Yeah! Some purple bear came out of nowhere, told me about not letting fear do whatever, and gave me that scratch! I'm telling you the truth!" I say.

"Maybe you had one too many Fizzy-Faz drinks." Freddy shrugged.

"NO! It's the truth! Come on, Dad! Can't you just believe in me? If it was not from a purple bear then how do I still have my scratch?" I ask.

"Don't call me 'Dad'. Call me Freddy." Freddy says before walking back.

I just sigh and walk away.

(Author's note: I apologize for taking so fuggin long, I was running out of ideas)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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