Stone Mask Part 2 - Zeppeli Joins the Battle

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Joestar Manor
Just Before Dusk

Speedwagon's Point of View...
     "It's going to be totally dark soon. Ya sure you're going to be alright?" I asked concerned. "I don't need to go back and check on Jonathan and the young Miss. Pendleton."

     "Go, and check. I insist." She responded. "You've been worried even more so about Jonathan since I told you about my suspicions about Dio right? Take the lads with you. I have Tino here, and I know that Jett's already 'round here somewhere. 'Sides there's not much hope for him since it'd be a three on one situation out in the open is there?"

     "Don't be so cocky! Jonathan took took the three of us out with little effort and he had trouble handling 'im after he turned."

     "Keep in mind I've also been dealing with this sort of thing for most of my life. Not always creatures of the night, mind you, but they were some of the first though." She got close and kissed me on the cheek. "We have more to talk about. So I definitely won't go down so easy. And just because you try to hide your face when you blush doesn't mean I don't see it."

     There was hollering from the carriage. Those idiots some days. I huffed. "Alright. I have this lot to deal with anyway. Plus you have your sunlight breathin' fighting thing. If Dio is still 'round and a fight starts up, ya better not go down without a fight. Or at least last 'til I can come ta help."

     "Excuse me? Whose got the special breathing pattern that channels the sun here?" She raised her arms up and did a little spin. "We'll be fine. Now go before they start something."

     "What bloke in their right mind wouldn't be terrified of somethin' like that?" I sighed.

     "Sorry for comin' at ya for being scared like I did, just... You're important to me. You being scared at this sort of thing makes me wonder if I'm even human some days." She looked off to the side a faraway look in her eyes. "The only times I haven't dealt with this sort of thing really is growin' up with you. That wasn't an easy feat either. Sure my life after that was simpler with the cars, money, and means to do what I wanted. But there was times people came after me for what I could do more oft' than the money or connections that came with it. Not often, but they came. Couldn't let the people taking care of me, Tino, and Jett go through that. They're good people. Just like you." She finished with a sad smile.

     "Joan...I..." It was hard to find what words to say after that. "Don't worry 'bout me. I..."

     She cut me off and smiled. "Seriously, it's okay. I'm scared of losing you too. That may be one of the only things that actually scares me at this point, to be honest."

     "Don't try ta be some sort of martyr Joan. Puttin' yourself in harm's way for someone else when you don't need too. I...You...Ugh! Why can't I find the bloody words?!?"

     "That's a rare thing for you. Must mean you really like me. Even after all this time." She teased, then looked a bit forlorn. Hid it pretty quickly too. "I know you worry. It's going to be dark soon. Head back to check on Jonathan. I have the power of the sun on my side. If you don't I'll punch ya in the injured arm."

     "Ya sure that you're a Doctor?" I asked, ignoring the other comment.

     She chuckled and said, "Robert. Like I told you before, I'm a grown woman who can take care of herself. Besides, someone has to lift Jonathan's spirit's if Dio is actually still around. Just don't be unjustly worrying him if my suspicions turn out to be for naught, alright?"

     "Fine, fine, fine. But only 'cause you ran me out of his room after you got past that...woman!"

     "She's not that bad. Besides, I'm a woman too if ya hadn't noticed. Now get a move on 'fore that lot get into too much trouble." She smiled softly. "They're still a lot of trouble makers. I've missed this sometimes." All of a sudden she shook her head and said, "Ugh, I'm getting emotional. Get going before I have to drive ya all off."

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