Chapter 12 - The Marketplace

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Alie didn't realize it was possible to feel so sore. Her feet hurt from wearing her boots. Her legs ached from walking. Her arms throbbed from fighting. She swore that every muscle in her body had been overused in the last day and a half they'd spent trekking across the Unknown World's barren landscape.

But it was worth it. Thanks to Darrel's on-the-go instruction, her skills with a sword were improving. She felt more confident holding her own against the hordes of tiny Evil that attacked them. Though most of Darrel's techniques were geared toward one-on-one fighting, the Ultimate felt more comfortable in her grip the more she practiced with it. Even though its magic did not overtake her again, she felt more and more like a proper swordsman with each fight.

When they finally reached the portal sometime in the afternoon on the second day, she nearly collapsed with relief. The faded blue light greeted them like a lake of fresh water at the edge of a desert. She couldn't wait to get out of the misery of the Unknown.

Michael and Darrel seemed equally relieved. After hours of barely saying a word to each other, they started talking about what kind of food they would find. Darrel's granola cake was filling, but it didn't appeal so much in terms of flavor. And, as Michael commented, it gave them all a craving for something meaty.

"I could really go for a fat, juicy burger," he said. His determined, marching pace had slowed to a relaxed stroll.

"Ha! If you can even find a hamburger place, it won't be what you're expecting," Darrel said. "They don't have cows here. They do have turkeys, though. And man! The things they can do with a turkey. Mmm."

"Naw, I need red meat."

"I don't care what it is," Alie joined in. "As long as it's tasty."

"Well, then, you're in luck," Darrel smiled. "The Marketplace has some of the best food in all the Realm. The streets are filled with cart vendors from all over. They've got everything from soups to stews to skewers to sandwiches, and it's all incredibly mouthwatering."

"Good! I'm tired of the granola cake."

"If I never eat granola cake again, it'll be too soon," Michael agreed.

Darrel grimaced. "Yeah, I get it. Though, beggars can't be choosers."

"Sounds like we won't be beggars for long, though."

"Really?" Darrel's conniving grin turned on Michael. "And just exactly how are you planning on paying for your meal?"

"I figured you would treat us," Michael grinned back. "You know, as a way to make up for all the trouble you've put us through the last couple of days."

"Hmm. Let's see." Darrel held up his hand and began counting on his fingers. "I gave you my gun. I told you how magic works. I mapped our course through this dead world. I shared with you what provisions I did have. I taught Alie sword fighting. And now you want me to buy your meals for you?"

"I could always imagine us some money," Alie offered, hoping to prevent another argument. Though tensions had been high from the start, Michael and Darrel had managed to keep things relatively civil between them. She really just wanted that peace to continue. She was too tired to listen to them bicker.

Darrel's eyes widened. "Oh, no. Imagined coin is considered counterfeit. Try to pay with it, and you'll be arrested on the spot."

Alie's shoulders sagged. "How can anyone even tell the difference?"

"Trust me. They can tell."

"Well, we haven't exactly had the time to pick up work since we've been here," Michael pointed out. "So, you'll be treating us regardless."

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