Chapter 21 - The Price

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Darrel did not try to hide his swearing under soft mutterings or behind coughs. He swore loudly and colorfully as he and Michael made their way down from the roof. He wanted everyone around him to know exactly what he thought of the mess he'd been dragged into, and he no longer cared what anyone thought of his language.

He was such an idiot. He should have left Alie and Michael long ago. He'd allowed himself to grow soft for them. He'd even enjoyed traveling with them, and sharing in the attention that Alie brought. Heck, he'd really enjoyed the attention. He wasn't as bad as Michael had said he was, but he certainly hadn't said no to making out with all those cute girls, either.

Now, he could say goodbye to that sweet life. A very painful and torture-filled existence awaited him.

Michael did not wait for him once they made it to the ground. He rushed into the plaza like the lovesick fool he was, desperate to save his damsel in distress. He only stopped when the Commander held up a hand, warning him not to come any closer.

But the Commander was not interested in Michael. As soon as Darrel came into his line of sight, the Commander turned his attention to him. "You have something that belongs to me," he said pointedly.

Darrel tried not to quiver under the man's piercing ruby gaze. He shoved his hands in his pockets and shrugged his shoulders. "Oh? What might that be?"

Commander Sole's jaw twitched. "I have been asked to bring the Wielder to the emperor," he said slowly. "But I have not been asked to bring her to him unharmed. Give me what I want, or the girl pays for your defiance."

Damn it. Darrel could withstand a bit of torture if he had to. He was sure Michael could as well. But if they tortured Alie...

Darrel did not miss the tightening of Michael's shoulders as he contemplated what to do.

They were screwed. Completely and royally screwed.

The Commander looked down to the limp teen draped in his arms. She immediately stiffened, and the blackness across her eyes spiked liquid poison across her face. She arched her back and moaned in pain, a sound that made Darrel's gut clench. Her hands fisted on the Commander's uniform, and as a whimpering cry broke free from her lips, she began to writhe—

"Stop!" Michael cried, falling to his knees. "The crystal is in the knot of a tree about five minutes south of town."

Darrel bit his tongue so he wouldn't swear again. He'd known Michael wouldn't last long if they hurt Alie, but he hadn't expected him to give in so soon. "Coward," he hissed under his breath.

Michael shot him an unapologetic, hate-filled glare. "You're the coward for not helping her."

He was right. Darrel would never admit it, but Michael was right. He turned away to hide his shame.

Alie's pain did not ease away. She clung to the Commander's jacket and rubbed her face into his chest, seeking relief from the poison running underneath her skin.

"Which tree?" Commander Sole growled.

"The tall one with purple leaves, next to a big rock that looks like a cow's head," Michael said in a rush. "Please, I'll take you there myself, just don't hurt her anymore."

Satisfied, The Commander looked down to Alie. Immediately, the poison on her face receded. An exhausted breath left her in one great sigh. She sagged again, just a small, innocent creature sleeping in the arms of a monster.

Some of the tension left Michael's shoulders. Darrel found himself sagging in relief, too.

With a small twitch of his head, one of the officers close by hurried over to the Commander. She stood at attention beside him, placing her fist over her heart and bending slightly at the waist in respect. "Sir?"

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