Chapter 26 - Treason

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Darrel didn't like this. Not one bit. An Imperial officer – a lieutenant, no less – shows up out of the blue and asks for their help? And Alie just agrees? No questions asked?

He crossed his arms over his chest. "Now, wait just a damn minute." He glared at the officer, letting his frustration be heard. "We don't even know you. I'm not wasting my time on a stranger."

Alie twisted in her chair to give him the stink eye. "Darrel," she growled low in warning under her breath.

The lieutenant's flat expression remained unchanged. "I understand your distrust. From what I've heard, the three of you haven't exactly had the most warm of welcomes from military forces. I apologize for my colleagues' lack of respect. The true stories of the Ultimate Wielder's heroism is no longer taught to them. I was fortunate enough to have family members who have made a point of passing down our realm's history, contrary to the teachings of the masses. It was the only reason I did not trust the tales they spun about you."

Alie sat a little straighter in her chair. "What tales?"

"It does not matter," the lieutenant dismissed with a wave of his hand. "They are lies. You are true to the realm; your actions today proved that well enough."

"That's great and all that you trust us," Darrel scowled, "but you still haven't given us any reason to trust you."

"I haven't arrested you," the lieutenant pointed out, "even though I have orders to do so immediately. And I haven't informed my superior in the capitol of your presence, either. As soon as we are finished here, I will help you escape through the window and into the alley below. I have not posted patrols on the south end. That will be your pathway out of the city."

Michael gripped the back of Alie's chair and leaned his weight on it, causing it to creak. "Why the need for secrecy? Can't we just walk back out the way we came in?"

"The others have already laid a trap for you. Unfortunately, they are not as loyal to me as they are to their teaching. They allowed me to let you roam free today because the emergency situation required it. But they will not allow you to escape the city. They want the glory of capturing the Ultimate Wielder."

Darrel ground his molars. He already knew the answer, but he asked anyway, "So, what will happen when they find out we're not here?"

The lieutenant blinked at him. No emotion passed over his face at all. "I will be court marshaled and charged with treason," he replied.

Alie's hands balled into fists over her thighs. "But you haven't done anything wrong."

"On the contrary. I've assisted in the escape of a convicted criminal. I directly disobeyed orders. I betrayed the trust of my superiors and my fellow men. The sentence will be just."

Michael shook his head. "And you want us to help you escape?"

"No. I did not come to you for myself." He reached behind him and grabbed a thick book from the small shelf above his pillow. When he opened it, he revealed a tiny safe had been installed into the pages. He spun the front dial back and forth several times, causing it to unlock with a click. Then he opened it, and pulled out a single piece of folded paper.

He began slowly unfolding the paper, taking care to flatten out the creases as he went. "Two months ago, one of my men came down with a sudden illness. He was scheduled to patrol a few streets throughout the city, and, at the time, I did not have the men to replace him. So, I took the post myself to ensure the city's safety."

The lieutenant carefully laid the large paper over the desk. It was a map of the city, with each street marked clearly in tiny letters. Large red circles had been drawn in six locations across the map.

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