Chapter 1

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             Queen_lexy has changed ⚡️jake⚡️to
               Queen_lexy has changed ☔️devonss☔️
                                 To 😊jakesmanz😊
                 Queen_lexy has changed 👾junior👾
                                  To 🦖jun.jun🦖

Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:really lexy?

Queen_lexy:yes really now deal with it


😊jakesmanz😊:why is mine "jakesmanz"?

🦖jun.Jun🦖:bc your jakes manz.....duh


Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:Anyways why was I added here?

Queen_lexy:because you have no friends?


Friendstilltheend:hello kids

Queen_lexy:I don't remember adding you

Friendstilltheend:that's bc I added MYSELF dumbass

🦖jun.jun🦖:anyways who are you?


😊jakesmanz😊:as in jakes doll chucky?

Friendstilltheend:yes as in jakes doll"ChUcKy"

Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:when did you get a phone?

Friendstilltheend:I've always had one just never showed it

Queen_lexy:jake why are you on 2 accounts?

🦖jun.jun🦖:jakes not on 2 accounts bc I walked into his room and I saw chucky with his own phone texting

Friendstilltheend:see this is why I have always liked you junior

🦖jun.jun🦖:dude chill your like 65 and I'm a minor🙄🤚

                Queen_lexy added yourdadOliver😩

🦖jun.jun🦖:really lex?


YourdadOliver😩:wassup guys




YourdadOliver😩:calm down dude


Friendstilltheend:hello Oliver

YourdadOliver😩:and you are?

Friendstilltheend:oh my GOSH have everyone forgot who I am?!!im Charles Lee ray aka CHUCKY keep that in mind damn it

Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:chucky stop yelling curse words

Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:hey we're is Devon?

Queen_lexy:aww what a caring boyfriend

Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:fuck off lexy

🦖jun.jun🦖:hey don't speak to her like that

Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈technically I'm not speaking I'm typing "jun.jun"

Friendstilltheend:oOoH jakes got confidence all of a sudden

Me.fruity🏳️‍🌈:anyways @😊jakemanz😊


Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:you ok?

😊jakesmanz😊:yea just trying to sleep,it's 2:43 In the morning

Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:oh well I should head to bed to night guys

Queen_lexy:night wheeler




HUGE disclaimer once again don't come for me this is my second account from Aanabella11 so it's the same story

Should I add Andy sand change chucky back into teen Charles?

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