Chapter 2

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YourdadOliver😩:GOoOD morning my friends!!

Friendstilltheend:why are you up so damn early

YourdadOliver😩:just getting into the Christmas spirit,No need to be salty

Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:it's still November Oliver



Queen_lexy:good morning Oliver!


YourdadOliver😩:why in a bad mood?

Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:I broke his tanjiro figure on accident

🦖jun.jun🦖:it was limited addition Jake!

Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:your fault for chasing me

YourdadOliver😩:why were you chasing him?

🦖jun.jun🦖:bc...I was asking Hume we're he got his uhm..pride flag from

YourdadOliver😩:YOUR GAY?!

🦖jun.jun🦖:what NO I'm bi😌

YourdadOliver😩:lexy did you know about this?

Queen_lexy:of course I know we broke up like last week 😀🤚

😊jakesmanz😊:why do I wake up to my blowing up,what happened?

Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:juniors bi

😊jakesmanz😊:oh I know I was the first one he told

Friendstilltheend:I've always had a feeling he was bi,I didn't know I was right tho

Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:wait are we going to forget the fact that lexy said they broke up?did I miss a chapter

🦖jun.Jun🦖:can we stop talking about this now?

Queen_lexy:im making cookies

Friendstilltheend:no one cares


😊jakesmanz😊:Oliver you have Been VERY quiet ever sense junior said he was bi🧐

YourdadOliver😩: I haven't

Friendstilltheend:why are you blushing then?

Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:so is THAT we're you went last night?

Friendstilltheend:uhh yea?

🦖jun.jun🦖:you were stalking him?!

YourdadOliver😩:you were watching me?!!

Queen_lexy:lol couple goals

🦖jun.jun🦖:we are NOT a couple

Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:junior can you stop yelling it's annoying

Friendstilltheend:yep Oliver is doing the same thing


YourdadOliver😩:can you get out of my house!

Friendstilltheend:fine gosh


Queen_lexy:anyways chucky when will we start planning the wedding for Jevon and joliver?

🦖jun.jun🦖:what's that?

😊jakesmanz😊:what's that?




Queen_lexy::anyways THOS are ship names


Friendstilltheend:jake x Devon=Jevon


🦖jun.jun🦖:jake stop squealing?🙄

Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:shut up

Queen_lexy: joliver is junior x Oliver:>

YourdadOliver😩:shooketh rn

Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:junior stop squealing it's like REALLY loud


🦖jun.jun🦖:shut up chucky

😊jakesmanz😊:hey Oliver you have been quiet

Friendstilltheend: he's probably squealing like a little girl

YourdadOliver😩:no need to expose 🙄🤚

Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈: it's like 8:00pm we have been texting all day

😊jakesmanz😊:time goes by fast



Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:Anyways imma go now

😊jakesmanz😊:ok bye babe


Queen_lexy:how can the word jakes "accidentally"change to Jake?🧐

😊jakesmanz😊:whatever bye

🦖Jun.jun🦖:jake tell me why you keep yelling "omg"

Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:nothing bye

Queen_lexy:devon "accidentally"called jake babe

🦖jun.jun🦖:anyways bye guys



Friendstilltheend:bye bye

It was a real pain writing this again but I had my jake wheeler and junior wheeler playlist so I'm all good anyways should I make chucky change back to Charles lee ray and add Andy?bye froggies and pumpkins! I also get these i ideas from Worshipjevon

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