Chapter 10

493 11 1

Disclaimer:I am very sorry for not updating

Queen_lexy💋:I like someone.



Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:who is this person?🤨

YourdadOliver😩:finally you like someone😒

Friendstilltheend:no one cares


Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:ok,ok but fr who is this person

Queen_lexy💋:ok so,she is in our history class and she sits 2 seats down from me and left from you jake,and she walks in at 11:30 and sits down at 11:32,also her name is Alice😊

🦖jun.jun🦖:what the hell-


😊jakesmanz😊:who asked for all of that information

YourdadOliver😩:bro how do you know we're she sits,what time she sits there and we're she sits from Jake?😰

Queen_lexy:cus I just know


Friendstilltheend:her name is Alice Thomas,she's 16,Instagram is(Alice.thomas🥰),snap is the same thing,and she's a Pisces

🦖jun.jun🦖:what the actual fuck😐

Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:that's it,I'm leaving

                  Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈 has left the group chat
               😊Jakesmanz😊 added Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈

YourdadOliver😩:you weird as hell chucky

Friendstilltheend:I know,my wife and kids told me that

Queen_lexy💋:now we know why

😊jakesmanz😊:very weird

🦖jun.jun🦖:can y'all stfu I'm trying to sleep😐

Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:put you phone on silent stupid

🦖jun.jun🦖:who tf you talking to?🤨

Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:no one,I'm talking to your door...OF COURSE IM TALKING TO YOU!

YourdadOliver😩:ok ok girls,calm down

Queen_lexy💋:Anyways yall,go to sleep imma ask Alice for her number tomorrow😍

YourdadOliver😩:good night simp and bro's

😊jakesmanz😊;who's the simp?


😊jakesmanz😊:ohh ok,goodnight everyone

Mr.fruity🏳️‍🌈:good night everyone



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