Chapter 10: Malec

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"How's he, Catarina?" it's been days since they got back from Edom. All of them already had recovered from the depleting mission they went through. Except for Magnus.

When Magnus passed out before they left Edom, he hasn't regain any consciousness since then. Instead of celebrating their success, Alec can't help but to be troubled by Magnus's situation.

"He's gonna be okay, Alec. Let's trust Magnus." Alec nodded. He's been going back in the infirmary every hour possible just to check on Magnus, he can't even focus to help  the others tracking Jonathan.

Seeing Magnus in the very same bed, wearing that medical gown, with lots of monitors around. It feels like déjà vu. It's all coming back to him: the horrifying feeling when Magnus almost lost his life because of the failed magic transfusion.

But unlike before, he can't just beg Lorenzo to take the magic back to ensure Magnus's safety.

"Magnus," Alec called. He held Magnus's hand, slowly brought it to his cheeks, as if hugging the warlock's hand.
"You need to wake up now, my love. We still have our wedding to plan." Alec once again kissed the back of Magnus's hand. He closed his eyes and let himself feel the comfort Magnus brings.

Alec hummed Magnus's favorite song. Alec was no singer, but Magnus is. He enjoys hearing Magnus sing random songs he knows nothing about. Maybe that's the good thing of not knowing anything about the mundane world. He just lets Magnus tells him stories about the people called celebrities, their shows, their musics, their movies. And he enjoys it. Alec enjoys watching and listening to Magnus's endless stories. And he wishes to hear more of those again.

"I will let you decide for everything. I will let you plan for our wedding. Just come back to me."

"You mean that?" Alec jolted up. Magnus talked. He stared at Magnus, whose eyes are still closed but his fingers are moving. Lightly gripping back Alec's hands.

"Raziel." Alec placed his free hand just below Magnus's head and caressed the warlock's cheeks using his thumb. "You're awake."

"Obviously." Alec chuckled. Tears flowing out of his eyes because of joy. He can't even express how happy he is seeing Magnus awake.

"I thought I'll lose you again."

"Say that again after I remind you that it's you who broke up with me." Alec was stunned. Why — out of all the memories Magnus can remember — why that?

"You remember that. . ."

"Alexander, I maybe a four hundred year old warlock but I can remember things more than you. Like when you kissed me infront of your parents on the day of your wedding with Lydia." astonished. Alec stared at Magnus. Slowly trying to absorb his lover's remarks.

But Magnus didn't wait any longer, his other hand reached for Alec's cheeks drenching from his tears. Magnus wiped the tears away and smiled at the young Shadowhunter.

"I remember everything now, pup." Alec once again wept like a kid. He nods his head unendingly. Pup. Alec never thought he'll be thankful to hear that pet name again.
"No pup?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes to pup, or—or panda. Anything!" Alec showered Magnus's face with kisses. He can't be thankful enough seeing Magnus finally awake, adding the fact that he now remembers everything about Alec.
"But wait, wait! Let me call Catarina first. She needs to know you're awake. I'll be back."

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