Battle Wounds

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Loki's P.O.V

I knelt on the ground for who knows how long, holding Riptide which strangely enough, hadn't disappeared back to Percy yet. After some time I got up and unsteadily walked towards the sound of the others. I found Natasha first. She was lying on her back, gun in hand, covered in glass shards and cuts. Her eyes were closed. I picked her up and tried to wake her. I put her on a chair and poured a cup of water over her face. She coughed and opened her eyes.

"Loki?" She asked croakily.

"Yeah. It's me. Are you okay?" I asked.

"I-I guess. Where are the others?" She asked.

"I'm going to get them now. Can you walk?" I asked.

"I think so." We started walking, Natasha leaning heavily on me. Tony and Steve were in the next room. Steve was covered in cuts and bruises and had a split lip. He was helping an unconscious Tony onto the couch. Tony's suit was cracked and broken and his left arm was hanging in an unnatural angle. He had a large bruise on his jaw.

"Are you two okay?" I asked.

"I am, but Tony is pretty injured." Steve said.

"I'll help Steve with Tony. You go find the others." Natasha said and went over to them. A few rooms down I found Clint and Peter. Peter looked like he had a broken leg and was bleeding from a large cut on his head. Clint was favouring his right arm and looked like he had a few ribs broken.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Kind of." Peter said and winced as he stepped on his broken leg.

"Tony, Steve and Natasha are in the living room." I said. "Can you two manage for now?"

"Sure. Go help the others." Clint said. Two rooms down I found Thor. He sat on a chair, breathing heavily. He had a nasty gash on his face and many cuts.

"Thor. Thor, wake up." I leaned over him, shaking him in attempt to wake him. He refused to become conscious.

"Brother, wake up. Please." I said in panick. I brought back my hand and slapped him as hard as I could. He woke with start and coughed. I helped him up (With difficilty).

"What happened?" He asked, holding his head.

"There was a battle. Everyone is in the lounge." I told him. As we were going to leave, we heard a groan. I headed towards the sound and saw a giant pile of rubble.

"Oh. Now I remember. I battled Hulk and buried him in a pile of rubble. I think that's him." Thor said. (Cue the faceplants) Slowly I cleared the debris and saw an unconscious Bruce. I half carried half dragged him back to the others, Thor leaning heavily on me. I dropped Bruce off onto an empty couch.

"Is he okay?" Natasha asked, holding an ice pack on her head.

"I think he's fine." I replied.

"Wait, where's Percy?" Peter asked. I looked down.

"He's been captured." I said quietly. There was silence for a moment, before I told them what happened. I was questioned and then accepted a slap from Natasha.

"How could you? You could've saved him! You could have helped Percy!" She lunged at me but Steve caught hold of her and held her back. He carried her out of the room, still ranting.

"Loki, it's not your fault." Clint said.

"Kinda feels like it is." I muttered. "Natasha overreacted. It really isn't your fault. You couldn't have gotten to him in time." Thor said, making me feel slightly less guilty.

"We need to help the wounded. Let's take them to the lab." Thor suggested. I nodded in agreement. I threw a glass of water on Bruce's face and he woke up.

"What...what happened?" He asked in confusion.

"There was a battle and Thor knocked Hulk out." I told him.

"Oh." He said simply.

"We need your help to heal the others." I told him.

"Okay. Coming now."

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