Camp Half Blood

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Steve's P.O.V

I hefted my shield nervously.

"Are you sure? There could be another way." I suggested.

"Do you want to rescue Percy or not?" Loki snapped back. I stayed quiet, thinking about the green eyed teenager that had managed to crawl his way into my heart.

"This is the only way." He said. Loki, Thor, Natasha and I were walking up a large hill. At the top wad a large, healthy looking pine tree with something golden hanging in one of its branches.

"The golden fleece." I muttered. Around the tree's base was coiled a large dragon that from afar, could be mistaken for a pile of cables. As we neared, Natasha and I tried to walk forward, but something pushed us back. Like a barrier.

"This is as far as we can go. Thor, Loki, do your thing." Natasha said. They both walked through the barrier and disappeared into the camp. I was nervous. If these kids were even half as powerful as Percy was, then I have a right to be.

Loki's P.O.V

"Demigods!" Thor bellowed. The demigods slowly started coming out of their cabins. They all gathered around us.

"You all know who we are. If you don't, well we are Norse gods. My name is Thor. I am the Prince of Asgard and god of thunder and lightning." Thor shouted.

"I am Loki, god of mischief and tricks." I said.

"Why are you here?" One asked. I identified him as Jason. I saw Nico and Leo push their way through the crowd. When they saw us, they realised that something must be wrong.

"Your hero, Percy Jackson, the one that you betrayed." I glared slightly and some demigods looked down in shame. "Has been captured by Tartaraus." Gasps could be heard through the crowd.

"To rescue him, we are going to need your help. Who's with us?"

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