Chapter 19: Streaming With Botan

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After some time, Aldryx learned Japanese thanks to the help of Kiara and now knows how to properly communicate with other none-english speaking Hololive girls.

Now the fans get to witness what seemed to be a long anticapated collab between Andromeda Aldryx and Shishiro Botan.

Currently they just started the stream and a lot of people were watching them.

They were playing Battlefield 2042.

Botan: みなさん、こんにちは。今日は大事な日です。  Holomythブランドの最新メンバーとコラボすることができます。 聴衆に自己紹介してみませんか? (Hello everyone, today's a big day. I get to collab together with the newest member of the Holomyth brand. Why don't you introduce yourself to the audience sir)

Aldryx's avatar smiled.

Aldryx: ヨ、名前はアンドロメダ・アルドリックス。  Holomyth、Screenplay Demon、Venom志望の6番目のメンバー。 ぼたんさんと一緒にこのストリームにみんなを歓迎します。(Yo, the name's Andromeda Aldryx. 6th member of Holomyth, Screenplay Demon and the Venom wannabe. I'll be happy to welcome y'all to this stream with Botan-san.)

The chat spammed.

Lioness4life12: Botan-san is streaming with a parasite
CommunismoLatte29: Никогда не думал, что увижу этот день, но давайте посмотрим, имеет ли он значение. (Never thought I'd see the day, let's see if it counts.)
Citizen_Soldier16: Like zoinks, I'm everywhere.
DimeTime12: Indeed you are Lord Shaggy.

Botan giggled.

Botan: 今日はバトルフィールド2042をプレイしています。これは、ストリーミング時にほとんどの時間プレイするゲームです。(Today we're playing Battlefield 2042, a game that I play for the majority of my time when streaming.)
Aldryx: 私も一人称シューティングゲームを楽しむ傾向があります、彼らは地獄のように楽しいです。 私は家に戻って、異なるキャラクターと能力を除いて同じことを示す傾向があるいくつかのゲームさえ持っています(I too tend to enjoy first person shooter games, they're fun as hell. I even have some games back at home that tend to show the same thing except with diffrent characters and abilities)
Botan: ああ、将来別のコラボストリームを行う場合は、それらを見せてくれるかもしれません。(Oooh, maybe you can show them to me if we do another collab stream in the future)

Aldryx's avatar smiled.

Aldryx: 確かに、それで私たちは試合でそれに行くつもりですか?(Sure, so we gonna go at it in a match)
Botan: うん、始めましょう! (Yup, let's get started)

They then entered a deathmatch with other players, they were both on the blue team.

Aldryx: Aight, out for first blood!
Botan: Engrishu?
Aldryx: うん (Yup)

The match went underway.

Aldryx was patrolling the northeastern side of the map where he saw a group of three red team players.

He then threw a grenade at them and managed to kill off one of the players.

Aldryx: Die!

He then ran side to side avoiding their bullets and shot back at them, managing to kill the other two.

Aldryx: 思ったより簡単でした (That wss easier than I thought it would be)

Botan managed to kill two players without breaking a sweat.

Botan: あなたはこれを経験しているようです。 私は男性でそれが好きです(I see you're experienced, I like that in men)

The chat spammed yet again.

Poi7u7: Did I hear that right?
Citizen_Soldier16: Man Aldryx you keep scoring all those hot chicks, what a chad.
Lordofthelair: Amelia's not gonna like this.
ILoveNature: I love nature.

Aldryx cackled at the remark.

Aldryx: なるほど、教えてくれてありがとう。 たぶん私は一度に3人の男を殺すよりもずっとうまくやることができます7u7 (I see, thanks for letting me know. Maybe I can do things way better than just killing 3 guys at once 7u7)

Botan cackled.

Botan: あなたは彼らが言うのと同じくらい面白いです(You are as interesting they say)

They continued to play the match and their team was leading.

The two managed to double team on two other red team players.

Botan: Poi!

She threw a grenade at them but they dodged it.

Aldryx: They're asses are mine.

He then kills them with ease.

Aldryx: Hehe.
Botan: 外を見る! (Look out)

He then got killed by someone.

Aldryx: He's cheating!
Chat: The streak has ended.

Botan managed to kill the player that killed Aldryx who then later respawned.

Botan: あなたのキルストリークはフフを終わらせたと思います(I guess your kill streak ended fufu)
Aldryx: とにかく、遊び続けましょう(Whatever, let's just keep playing)

They continued playing for an hour or two 'til they stopped.

Botan: Superchat taimo!
Aldryx: Alright. お先にどうぞ(You go first)

Botan then found a question.

Botan: あなたと比較してAldryxの身長はどれくらいですか? (How tall is Aldryx compared to you?)
Aldryx: さて私は6'1です (Well I'm 6'1)
The chat: Wow.

Botan was surprised and then smirked.

Botan: ラミーはかつて彼女は大きな男性が好きだと言った (Lamy once said that she likes big men)

She cackled and then Aldryx joined in.

Aldryx: それを知らなかった (Didn't knew that)
Botan: 今、あなたはそうします、そして誰が知っていますか....多分私にも同じことが言えます7u7 (Now you do, and who knows... Maybe the same thing can be said for me too 7u7)

The chat began spamming after hearing that.

Chat: Botaldryx/I'm jealous of Aldryx rn/Amelia's gonna have a word with you.

Aldryx cackled.

Aldryx: Ok ok. 次の質問、それはロシア語です(Next question, and it's in Russian)

He then read it.

Aldryx: ぼたんさんや他の日本人の女の子との別のコラボレーションを考えていますか?(Are you considerant on another collab with Botan-san or other Japanese girls)

He then replied to the commentor in Russian.

Aldryx: Да, зависит от того, хотят ли они (Yeah, depends if they want to)
Botan: あなたはロシア語を知っていますか?(You know Russian)
Aldryx: うん(Yup)

They continued reading superchats until they stopped for an hour and bid their goodbyes for a good stream.

OK guys, this was chapter 19.

Peace out!

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