ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟞 - ℝ𝕖𝕤𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕤

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(A few hours earlier~)

Morning came, as Anne and the Plantars got ready for a tour in Newtopia, (since it was Hop Pop's decision) whereas you were getting ready for a day at the Castle's library with Marcy and the King.

You took a quick shower, put on your clothes, brushed and tied your hair (or leave it). Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the door.

"Y/n, what the heck are you doing there? Putting make-up? Hurry up, you've been there forever, We're just waiting for you!" Anne shouts from outside.

"I just got in for like, 27 minutes ago, Anne. Goodness me!" You shout back. "And I'm not even gonna go with you, why are you waiting for me?!"

"Just cus," Anne replied. There was silence for a few seconds when Anne suddenly let out a scream. "Y/n, Help!"

You gasped and immediately rushed to get your bow that was on the side of the sink and took an arrow from your quiver hanging from your waist. You kicked the door opened and looked around in panic. "Anne! What happened?"

You saw Anne sitting in the bed with a smirk on her face, completely unharmed. And you just realized that you've been tricked.

"The heck?! Seriously?" Your left eye twitched as Anne suddenly burst into laughter. You crossed your arm and glared at your friend as she laughed. "You done?"

Anne continued laughing but it soon faded away in a second. "I cannot believe you fell for that," she said as she wiped out fake tears. You rolled your eyes and smiled. You gotta admit, it was pretty funny.

"Ok, you win." You chuckled. "but seriously don't scare me like that, you almost gave me a heart attack."

Anne nods in reply, "Now c'mon the Plantars are waiting for us outside the hotel."


"And then Wally asked 'Why did the mushroom go to the party?" You and Anne were currently on the elevator, and to pass the little time you told her a joke that Wally once told you.

"Why was that?" Anne asked.

"Because he was a 'FunGi'." You blurted as you and she laughed while clutching your stomachs.

"Oh, man. That's... so corny." Anne said between her laughs.

The elevator suddenly dings and the elevator opened. You and Anne walked towards the hotel door and saw the Plantars waiting outside. What you weren't expecting was Marcy was standing beside them, waiting outside as well.

You immediately blushed at the sight of her. "Dude, I thought I was gonna go to meet them?" You whispered to Anne.

"Beats me. Maybe she's here to pick you up~" Anne sang. "Oh, shut up." You said and lightly slapped her shoulder.

"Hey, guys," Anne said getting everyone's attention, as you and she stood beside them.

"Hey gals," Hop Pop said. A bus suddenly arrived in front of them. The door opened and the tour guide from inside welcomed them.
Anne and the Plantars climbed aboard the bus with Anne next to a window.

"Are you sure you don't want to go with them Y/n?" Marcy asked. "I mean, I don't want to waste your days in Newtopia cooped up in a library."

You placed your hands on both of her shoulders and looked at her straight in the eye. "Marcy, I volunteered to help you with this, and I'm not gonna let you down. The city will still be here when we're done, right? Besides, you know I'm always up for a day with you." You said with a wink that made Marcy's heart race and blush.

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