Chapter 2

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I don't own Naruto or any other characters.
Ok! On to the story!

Mai's P.O.V.

I was so consumed in thought of where Hinata and I should go first I didn't see Shino passing by. I run right into his chest, falling flat on my butt. 'Great!' I thought, 'I run into my crush and fall on my ass right in front of him. Real smooth Mai.' I look up at Shino and he offers me his hand, I take it gladly. "I'm so sorry Shino! I didn't see where I was going." I apologized so much it was too much. Shino put his hand on my shoulder, "it's ok Mai." I blushed harder than before, I look over at Hinata and she starts giggling. I playfully hit her arm, I look to Shino, and he looks really confused. I just shake my head, he takes the hint. "Oh I almost forgot happy birthday Mai." Shino says in his monotone voice, "th-thanks Shino."

I mentally smack my self for stuttering, I haven't gotten nervous around Shino for a while now so why now? I snap out of thought by Akamaru licking my ankle. I pick the little puppy up and nuzzle his face while he licks mine. Kiba shows up, last as usual, and I hand Akamaru back to him. "Happy birthday Mai!" Kiba says and gives me a hug, "thanks Kiba." I look at Shino who is sending Kiba a death glare.

"So Mai where are we heading first?" Asks Hinata, just then I hear my stomach grumble. "How bout we go get some ramen. I'm starving!" "Sounds good!" Exclaims Kiba, Shino nods, and Hinata grabs my arm and starts to run to the ramen shop.

Shino's P.O.V.
I was walking to the Hyūga compound to get Hinata and Mai. I heard a scream it sounded like Mai so I decided to walk a little faster. I was about to turn into the door way leading to the training grounds when something hit my chest. I look down to see Mai on the ground, she blushes a little. Not a lot but enough to notice, I quickly offer my hand to her. She takes it, gets up, and starts apologizing? Why should she be sorry? It was just an accident no one could've predicted. All I say is that everything was fine she didn't hurt me. 'I'm more worried about you.' I said in my head. "Oh almost forgot happy birthday Mai." I say I wanted to give her a hug but she was blushing and I didn't want her to pass out like Hinata does when she sees Naruto.

I look down to see Akamaru licking Mai's ankle, she picks him up and starts petting Akamaru. Soon Kiba shows up, 'always the last one' I say in my head. "Hey Mai! Happy birthday!" Kiba says and wraps Mai in a hug. I feel my face heat up in anger, I clench my fists, and I kept glaring at the back of Kiba's head. Wait why am I feeling jealous? I shouldn't be, Mai and I have been friends since we were little and I think of her as sister. I snap out of thought when Mai sees me glaring at Kiba. I need to calm down and tell Mai how I really feel. Maybe I'll tell her later on today when we're alone. The next thing Mai being pulled by Hinata to the ramen shop.

I felt really inspired today! Maybe it's because I have Easter break and I had a half a day today to kick off break! So there will probably be a few more chapters before next Wednesday! So yea! Don't forget to comment your thoughts and vote thanks!! Bye!!

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