Chapter 3

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Ok I'm going to try to incorporate technology into my story, like cell phones, pictures, stuff like that. Just to make the story more modern! I hope it's a nice change! Ok enjoy!

Mai's P.O.V.

Once we get to the ramen shop I take a seat, Hinata sits on my left and Shino on my right. I blush as Shino and I's hands brush past each other. I mentally smack myself again, 'stop blushing!'
I'm snapped out of thought by the old man asking me want I wanted. "I think I'll have the miso pork ramen." "I-I'll have t-that too!" Hinata said. "I'll have shrimp ramen." Said Shino, I turned towards Hinata and made a disgusted face. I hate! Hate, hate, hate, hate shrimp! Hinata just laughed at the face I made. Once we ordered our food I felt my back pocket start to vibrate? Oh yea my phone! Dummy! I smack myself and grab the phone and see that it was Neji. I grunted because he told me I needed to get home or he would hunt me down and throw me over his shoulder then we would take me home. My brother should get the "Best Big Brother of the Year award."

Shino saw me angrily typing, and took my phone from my grasp. "Hey uh, Shino that's uh, my phone. I kinda need it! So my brother doesn't kill me!" He stuck my phone in his back pocket paid for his food and left, I went to pay from mine but Hinata smacked my hand a said "Don't pay I got it! No go get your phone!" I thanked her and ran off after Shino. 'Ok let me think here. If I were Shino where would I go?' I run to his usual bug collecting spot, thank God he was there because if he wasn't I wouldn't have know where to look! "Uh Shino why did you take my phone? You realize if I don't text Neji back I'm going to be hunted down, right." He stayed silent, I tried to turn him around but when I tried he took a picture of me and him. "Ok you are officially weird in my book!" I said laughing after he handed me my phone. "Sorry I thought you would want a picture with me." I blush it's so hard to hide, he lifts my chin so I can look at his face. But before I can say anything I feel his lips on mine. He was gentle yet forceful, I kissed back happily. After a minute or two I looked at him and he had a light blush across his cheeks. "How did you know? How did you know I felt the same way?" I asked him "I didn't till now."

I gave him a hug, he hugged back. I looked up as he looked down, we both leaned into another kiss but was soon broken up by Neji. "Mai I told yo-" I pulled out of Shino's grasp, but he grabbed my hand. I walked up to Neji, "what do you want Neji?" I waited for his response while Shino gave him a death glare. "I told you over text." He said with a snort, " I didn't get a chance to ch-" I was cut off by Neji grabbing my free hand and pulling me. Shino sent his bugs on Neji, but he deflected all the bugs with 8 trigrams 64 palms. As Neji did that Shino pulled me close to him and the bugs transported us to the Aburame compound. "That was a close one!" I said into Shino's chest. He just patted my head, and whispered into my ear, "will you be my girlfriend?" I just nodded and started blushing again, I tried to hide it but Shino grabbed my hand. "Your cute when you blush."

Shino's P.O.V.
I planned this out as soon as I saw the phone in Mai's hand back at the Hyūga compound. I'd play quite so it seemed like everything was normal, Neji texting Mai was just a great coincidence. Once her phone was out I grabbed it, paid for my food, and walked off to my favorite place to come and look for insects. It didn't take Mai long to find me, once she was behind me I took a picture with her. Yeah I know it sounds cheesy that I took a picture with her, but I did it because she would be to afraid to ask on her own to get a picture with me. Just for the fact she thought I didn't like her back, but she was far from the truth. I've liked Mai since we were little, she's always been shy around me so that's how I knew she liked me. "Ok your officially weird in my book." Mai's comment broke me out of thought. "Sorry. I thought you would like a picture with me." I couldn't tell if she was joking when she called me weird or what. She started to blush I lifted her chin, she looked up at me and before she could say anything I kissed her. She seemed shocked at first and I was about to pull away put she kissed back. When she broke the kiss her face was red, redder than a tomato. "How did you know? How did you know I liked you?" Mai asked my, my answer was simple, "I didn't until now." she hugged me so I hugged back, we looked at each other at the same time. We both were leaning in for another kiss, until Neji showed up. He kept giving me a death glare, so I returned the glare. but when he grabbed Mai's hand, my blood started to boil. I did the only thing I could think of, I released my insects. Once Neji was distracted I teleported Mai and I to my house. "that was a close one!" She said into my chest, I just patted her on the head. I leaned down to her eat and whispered, "will you be my girlfriend?" I already knew her answer. She nodded her head and started to blush. She tried to hide it but that failed when I grabbed her hand and said, "Your cute when you blush."

Hey y'all I finally updated after a few days. I just couldn't write! I had serious writers block! But after about 30 episodes of Naruto Shippuden, listening to the Legally Blonde and Newsies soundtracks multiple times! I finally got some inspiration! So one more thing Happy Easter! It's tomorrow for me so yea! Happy Easter! 🐰🐰

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