Chapter 5

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Shino P.O.V.
I saw Mai's face go pale she started to fall but I caught her before she hit the ground. I picked her up bridal style and ran to the hospital, once there I saw Sakura. "Sakura! I need help!" She looks at me confused then saw Mai. "Shino tell me what happened." She said calmly while pulling back her hair. "We went to her house so she could grab something. I heard a scream and saw Kiba biting her neck." I said flatly. "Can you help her?" Sakura nodded and started medical nin-jutsu. Mai came to a few minutes later. "What happened?" Her voice was barely a whisper, "don't worry ok? I'll explain later." She nodded then winced in pain. "I'm fine." She said, "I'll need to bandage this wound up. Shino wait in the waiting room ok?" Sakura said I nodded and did as I was told. A few minutes later Mai came out walking on her own. I hugged her and whispered in her ear, "don't scare me like that again." I let a tear fall, she looked up at me and wiped the tear away. She pecked me on the lips and said, "I'll do my best." I smiled and walked her back to my house. 'I swear the next time I see Kiba Inazuka I'm going to kill him for hurting Mai.' I thought as I walked home.

Kiba's P.O.V.
After being chased by bugs for about ten minutes I was heading home. I smirked to myself, 'Shino now knows better not to mess with me. Especially when it come to love, I will make Mai mine. I've already marked her, Shino should make the most out of these next few days with Mai.' I thought as I went into my room and fell asleep.

Mai's P.O.V.
Once we got to Shino's house we went straight to his room. I walked into his room and plopped down on the bed, Shino joining me. I looked over at the clock and it was already 11! 'Wow' I thought. "Shino do we have to meet Kurenai sensei tomorrow?" He nodded, I groaned and threw my head back. I saw Shino smirk. But when I went to sit up I winced ,and my hand went straight to my neck. Shino turned to me with a worried look, I dropped my hand. "I'm fine." I was lying, my neck was killing me. I felt terrible lying to Shino, I looked at Shino and wrapped him in a hug. It took him surprise but soon he hugged back," thank you, thank you for being here for me." I whispered to him. "Your welcome." He said as he kissed my forehead.

*time skip! Why? Because I'm lazy!*

Shino's P.O.V.
I wake up to Mai snuggling into my chest, then I look at the clock. 'It's 5:30.' I groan but not so loud that it will wake Mai. But she woke up anyways, she yawned and stretched. "Morning handsome." She said, I blushed a little. "Morning gorgeous." I say as I kiss her bandaged forehead. She rolls over and looks at the clock, "Shoot!" She squeals. "What's wrong?" I asked concerned. "I have to get back home, or else Hiashi..." She trailed off while gathering her things. "What is Hiashi going to do?" I said as I grabbed her hand, turning her towards me. "I'll explain later ok? Right now I have to go!" She said as she pecked my cheek and walked out of my room. Leaving me with a ton of questions and not a lot of answers.

Mai's P.O.V.
'Hiashi-sama is going to kill me for not coming home last night!' I think as I run into my open window leading to my bedroom. I flop onto the bed right under the window, and I throw my bag into my closet. I activate my Byakugan and look through my door to see if anyone is outside waiting for me like: Neji, Hinata, or Hiashi. I see Hinata so I quickly open the door and let her in, then shut the door. "W-where were y-you last n-ight?" She seems really nervous, I was about to answer her when Neji busts through my door. "What the hell Neji!" I scream but he ignores me. He walks towards me and grabs my ear. "Ow! What the hell?! let go!!" I protest as he drags me out to the training field. He lets me go and I fall on my face. I don't want to look up because I know who is in front of me. Hiashi Hyūga, the leader of the main family branch. I feel his stare in the back of my head, "where were you last night, Mai?" Before I can answer a pain shoots through my whole head. I grip my head in agony, 'damn side branch curse mark!' I scream in my head. The pain soon subsides and I look up at Hiashi. "I was at the Aburame compound last night." I say with no emotion in my voice. "Why didn't you come home when Neji went to get you?" Hiashi says menacingly. "For once I didn't want to listen to my brother." That was a lie and Hiashi knew it that same pain came back. But this time it lasted much longer than the last.

I kept my eyes closed, but when I opened them I saw Neji and it looked like he actually had sympathy for me. I looked to the ground and saw blood, I put my hand up to my forehead and found my mark bleeding. Hiashi stopped, I begun to feel dizzy but didn't pass out like the last time I saw blood. "This is just a warning Mai." Hiashi said, venom lacing every word. I stood up with wait energy I had left. "Yes Hiashi-sama." I bowed and continued, "excuse my rebellious outburst, it won't happen again." I said it pleading for forgiveness. "It better not." Hiashi said and walked away, once out of sight Neji ran to my side and helped me up. "Next time listen to your brother." He says in his cocky tone. "Wait till I'm better I'm gonna kick your butt!" He helps me to my room and sits me on the bed. I needed to change the bandages on my neck as well has the ones on my forehead. "What happened to your neck, sister?" I heard Neji say, "I don't want to talk about it right now." I said in a tired tone, half way through changing bandages I realized I needed to meet with Kurenai! I mentally cursed myself for forgetting. "Thanks, Neji, for helping me earlier." He shrugged, "it's what big brothers do." He said as he wrapped me in a hug. "But next time, don't be reckless and pull dumb stuff that will get you hurt. Ok?" I nodded then speed walked to the training grounds.

My writers block has been cured for another week! I'd like to thank Madison, Brandon, and Dominic for helping me with this chapter! Without them I would've been sitting in a corner trying to rack my brain on a good chapter! So yea thanks again guys!

Please I wanna know your opinion on the book!

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