Chapter 7

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Shino's P.O.V.
After I dropped Mai off at her house I walked to Kiba's house. I took my time, because I was planning on what I wanted to do to Kiba for smacking Mai's butt. I kept my cool during training today, but that was during training. Now, I don't have to worry about Kurenai butting in while I beat the crap out of Kiba. I smirked once I got to his front door, I knocked and waited. His sister, Hana, answered the door. "Oh, hey Shino. Do you need me to get Kiba?" I nodded, "KIBA!! Get your butt over here!" Hana screams, I flinch at her level of loudness. "What do yo- what are you doing here Aburame?" I motion for him to follow me outside, "why did you come here?" Kiba spat, "I came here to teach you a lesson." He quirks an eyebrow, I take him by surprise and release my insects. He starts to run in an attempt to get away from them. He fails miserably, he lets out a yelp. I smirk as I call my insects back, I walk over to Kiba who's almost pass out. "Now, I suggest you keep your dirty paws off my girlfriend. Hear me mutt?" He nods.

I walk away avoiding questions from Hana, I walk home holding my head a little higher. I felt like i was walking on air, he deserved that for making me and Mai angry. I walk in my house and straight to my room for a dream filled sleep.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~time skip!~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Mai's P.O.V.
I wake up to the light streaming through my window, and the cool breeze blowing back my hair. I roll over towards the bathroom door, I get up, stretch, walk over to the door and flip the light on. I cringe a little when I see my that my hair looks like a rats nest. I decide that a shower sounds good, I strip out of my long night shirt and pants. Right before I get in the shower there's a knock on my door, I activate my Byakugan. I see none other than Shino, I grunt and stomp my foot. "Screw it, he's gonna have to wait!" I say out loud and proceed to get in my shower. After about 20 minutes in the shower I decided to get out and get dried off. I went to grab my clean clothes when I realized I didn't bring any with me. I wrap the towel around me, walk out the door and see Shino sitting on my bed. I squeal and run back in the bathroom. I press my back against the door, while looking in the mirror, my face is as red as Hinata's when she talks to Naruto.

When I here a knock on the door I jump, "Mai, I have your clothes here." I hear Shino say, "leave them by the bottom of the door then turn around, and don't turn around until I say. Ok?" I say a little hesitantly. I feel like Shino wouldn't be that guy that wants see me naked, but then again you never know. Master Jiraiya seemed pretty nice at first, until I saw him peeping in on all us girls at the hot springs one day. Let's just say I set him on the right path, for about 10 minutes. "Ok." I hear Shino say, I opened the door just a crack and saw he had his back towards me. So I quickly grabbed my clothes and got dressed.

Once dressed I opened the door and saw Shino standing by my window looking at something. I walk over to him and hug him from behind. He turns around, smiles, and hugs me back. Once he let go I hit him in the head a few times. "DON'T YOU KNOW TO KNOCK BEFORE COMING IN?!" I scream. "Ok, OW! And Neji let me in." I rolled my eyes, sometimes I really hated having an older brother. "So what brings ya here?" I say with a smirk. "What a boyfriend can't come and check up on his girlfriend?" Shino says, as he rubs his head where I smacked him. "Yea you can. I just wondered what you're doing here at..." I trailed off as I looked at my clock. "8:30 in the morning?" He shrugged. "I was wondering if you wanted to come on a mission with me?.." I pretended to contemplate on whether to go with him or not. I've course I would go with him, I just want him to suffer a little after all he did see me partially naked.

I must've been standing there for a long time before Shino cleared his throat. "Well?" He said as he scratched the back of his neck. "Ok I'll go. If..." I trailed off. "If what, Mai?" I smirked with my reply. "You've got to take me on a date once we get back." A hint of blush dusted his cheeks, as he looked to the ground. "Ok deal. I'll meet you at the front gates in a half an hour. Ok?" I nodded, and gave him a hug. He hugged me back and placed a kiss on my head. "See you in a little bit." He said as he walked out my door.

Ok y'all this past weekend we hit 800 reads! I almost passed out when I saw that! I know I haven't updated as much as I wanted but that's because my mom took my iPad away! 😔😫 I decided to write off my phone even though I hate the tiny screen! But guys this really means a lot that you want to take time out of your busy lives and want to read my work. I mean it's amazing! I love all my readers. 😘❤️ thanks again without you all I probably would've deleted this story months ago!
I'll try updating again next week. (If I get my iPad back) so yea bye y'all!

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