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Third Person's POV

"Onii-chaaaaan! I thought you're going home quick as soon as you finish your work." Hanako spoke, "Which is already done." Takeo added with cocked brows, Tanjirou could only laugh awkwardly at his siblings' disappointment.

The eldest brother of the Kamado is currently talking with his little siblings in his laptop just suddenly, after Kanao have get inside the bathroom, asking why their older brother isn't going home yet even though his work have just finished almost two weeks ago. They just wanted to spend their time with their older brother as long as they can, now that they're slowly growing up.

"Are you still busy nii-chan?" The youngest sibling, Rokuta asked, "Uh, that is..." Tanjirou tried to find a reason to tell them, he can't just tell them that he's still staying at the same hotel just because of Kanao and the moment that happened between them last night that still makes him want to stay a bit more longer and be alone with her.

His cheeks flushed while recalling all those happenings, a night that he also didn't expect. He faced his siblings again and spoke, "I-I promise! Next week or next next week, I'll come home. Take care of each other there." He smiled at them with his eyes closed.

Shigeru hearing them talking to their older brother from the living room also joined by shouting, "Onii-chan, are you with your girlfriend today?" he asked on purpose to tease him.

Shigeru then shows up in the camera from Hanako's laptop. Meanwhile Tanjirou started to sweat a lot, 'No Tanjirou, just tell them the truth, after all you and Kanao aren't dating yet.'  he thought to his self.

He drained the nervousness first before he answered his brother's question, "No Shigeru, I don't even have a girlfriend yet, haha."

"Mmm.. Aoi-san said that Kanao-san didn't text her last night assuming that she's with you, either last night and even right now." Takeo said.

Tanjirou blinked still keeping the smile on his face, 'Kanao has... somewhat a really overprotective sister...'  he thought while thinking how he should answer him for that, he can only answer with a lie, which he can't do.

He sighed as he had given up, "I'll be honest, Kanao came here drunk so I let her sleep here, please don't think anything weird." Tanjirou responded leaving the siblings' mouths in gape.

"You sure you two didn't do it?" The redhead's eyes widen from his brother's question, he panicked, "I-I- N-No!!! Takeo don't a-ask me that! Y-You know I can't d-do that!" he denied, "You're old enough to do 'it' though." Takeo said then laughs, the other three joins him, causing for Tanjirou to be red all over his face feeling embarrassed about having to talk about these things.

They continued to talk more few things like how's school, how's their health and how're they doing. Kanao have just come out of the washing room and noticed that her master is talking to someone in his laptop.

Tanjirou took notice of her standing there, he smiled at her with a faint blush in his cheeks, Kanao looked down still embarrassed about what happened.

"Who's that you're smiling at, nii-chan?" Hanako asked.

"Oh no, maybe Onii-chan is so stressed he can now see a lost spirit..." Rokuta said worried about his elder brother.

That made Kanao realized, it's his siblings he's talking to, just by that big brother they call to Tanjirou. He gave his attention to his siblings again to give them a respond, "Well... she's here as I said. Kanao." he called her to approach him.

He and her | Tanjirou x KanaoWhere stories live. Discover now