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Tanjirou's POV

It was time for us to go to a pet shop. As promised, we will adopt a dog that she wants. It seems like Kanao wants an extra activity here in our house, but I'll help her anyway.

I wore my shirt, the last clothing I need before I go off. I'm in our bedroom right now and the door is closed, well it opened just now. I was still inserting the button on my pants tho...

When Kanao caught a glance at me and down my body, she quickly slammed the door close causing me to burst out of laughter, her face became really red that fast.

"Wanna peek?" I teased her.

"No!!" Her voice leaked out on the door, that made me laugh more, what a flustered cutie..

I finished fixing myself up and also put a cap and mask on, just to be sure no one notices me outside, it's better to be careful.


I started driving afterwards, it was only a quiet trip, but Kanao is keep on looking at the side window, I can easily tell that she was really excited, and judging by the scent too.

And just like that, we sooner arrive at a pet shop that I'm somewhere familiar, it's just near the city after all. The engine stopped, I unwind the key to put it in my pocket, Kanao is also getting ready to leave the car too, I just need to wear my cap here.

I left the car first and opened the car door for her, "Let's go." I said reaching a hand for her to take, which she, of course took, we both held hands while we walk inside the shop.

"What type of dog do you want, Kanao?" I asked, I opened the door for us and get inside. There we saw the shop owner, or a worker.

"Um... I'm not sure." she responds whilst her eyes on me, 'Cute.' "Oh, welcome ma'am sir!" The man in the table greets us with, sitting up, he bows, "Konnichiwa!" I greeted , I bow my head down and, Kanao follows after.

"I assume that you two will buy a pet?" He approached some of the cats and feed them, I smiled watching the cats meowed at the worker.

"Yeah! My girlfriend here wants a dog, may you show us the way?" I ask of him, he stood up and smiled before he nodded, Kanao threw a small punch at me, and she's blushing, I snickered, 'She's blushing again.'

We followed him as he starts to walk in a not so far place, I can hear the noises coming from the puppies, and they look so cute playing with each other! But not as cute as Kanao.

"Here they are, these are only puppies, the adult ones are in the backroom, they can be quite noisy when a guest is here, so yep that's why." he explained, "You can pet them as you like, they're tamed." he said, I nodded as a response.

We came closer to the puppies, they're about five, and different colours, they all look so cute, "Kanao, try to take a look, and pick the one you love." I said clearing the way for her. She nods as she approached the cage where the puppies are.

(Timeskip 'cause I've been stuck here for a week💀)







"Arf! Arf! Arf!" The puppy barked, cute. He's currently in the back of the car in its cage, that's right he, the worker said that the puppy's gender is a male, that's why, Kanao knew it, I can't help but tease her 'cause she knew the gender by its you know what it is.

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