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So breakfast is going well.

Jimin looks at his friend and student, watching the two closely. He remembers hearing Yoongi mention a Y/n a few times, but it's been too long to actually remember. Not like he has the best memory anyway. When it comes to special events, particularly for his friends, sure he can remember things pretty well. When it comes to names? Pfft, nope. Count him out. But he has to admit... part of him wishes she wasn't his student. It's a horrible, terrible thought yeah, but a true one. She's... beautiful.

Okay so what it's a horrible thing to think? That's just fact. He can't hide from fact. She's absolutely breathtaking and he can't help but be drawn to that. He didn't really notice her at first, but after seeing her alone with Yoongi he got a chance to study her. Jimin's not the type to look and admire students of all things. He's professional and polite. A bit of a flirt, sure, but not on school grounds. He's trying to score a job here, not a girlfriend. But... he'd be lying if he said he doesn't want to flirt with the L/n girl. She seems... interesting. The way she was nice to him. The way Yoongi got soft around her... it's interesting. Maybe he's a terrible person (and an even worse teacher) for thinking that about his student but as long as they're strictly thoughts he should be fine. Right?

"The legendary Jimin," Y/n chimes, pulling Jimin out of his thoughts. "Huh? Sorry. Totally zoned out there. No offense Miss L/n but your classmates are boring." She laughs, "for starters we're out of the classroom, you can call me Y/n. Second of all don't consider me part of them. I chuckled at all your lame jokes." Okay now he's hurt. "Lame? You thought they were lame?" he whines, "oh now I can't go on. Miss L/n thinks all my jokes are lame." "Y/n," she corrects. He almost snorts, "Miss L/n." "Y/n." "Miss L/n."

"I regret introducing you two to each other," Yoongi huffs. Classic grumpy grandpa getting in the way of their fun. "Hmm I don't know Yoons... I think her and I are too different to get along. I don't think you have anything to worry about," Jimin remarks. "Too different? What's that supposed to mean?" she asks with a scoff. "You're my student. Much younger, bolder, completely different sense of humor." "You laugh at everything, how much different of a sense of humor can you guys have?" Yoongi asks with a frown.

Well, Jimin can't really argue with that. "My point stands. We're several years apart, I don't think we'd work out." "I'm twenty, not sixteen," she remarks. "And I'm twenty-five." Yoongi lets out a breath, "and I'm twenty-eight." "Old" Y/n teases. "Not my fault I started late," Yoongi grumbles. That's right, this is Yoongi's last year. He started college at twenty-five. Something about family issues and wanting to work to take care of them. He didn't exactly elaborate that much. Jimin can't blame him. Sounds like a tough subject.

"So Miss L/n, care to fill me in on why you're in my acting class?" "You're never gonna call me Y/n are you?" she questions with pursed lips. Is she genuinely offended by that or is she asking? Jimin can't tell so he chooses to shrug in response. She sighs, "I'm a film major. I had to take it to correspond with my major. Acting is a big thing in the film world. I thought you were the teacher, shouldn't you know that? You don't need to use rocket science to figure that out." Jimin fakes a wince, "ouch princess. So mean." Yoongi glares at Jimin, "what did you just call her?"

Jimin goes still, "uh... sorry. I didn't mean to I was just joking around." "It's okay. I don't mind... Yoongi over here is too grumpy for his own good," she remarks, nudging the man's shoulder. Yoongi keeps his glare on Jimin, "sorry I don't like it when a teacher calls his student 'princess'." "We're outside the classroom, lighten up," she tries, but Yoongi seems to ignore her. "Don't call her that again," Yoongi insists. "Okay Yoons, I won't. I'm sorry. You know my personality." "Which is exactly why I'm warning you not to flirt with my Y/n." "Your Y/n?" Jimin questions. "Yes - my Y/n. She's my best friend and your student, so don't try anything. Not only will the dean kick your ass but I will too."

He nods, "okay... chill. I'm not gonna do anything I shouldn't." Probably. "Yoons seriously it's okay, I'm not mad," Y/n tries, attempting to ease the tension between the two. The oldest one there narrows his eyes. "Fine. I'll back off now," Yoongi mutters before leaning back and finally taking his eyes off Jimin. Jesus looks can kill. Jimin's about to shit himself right now that's how intense that gaze was.

Jimin looks around the cafeteria while Y/n turns to Yoongi to cool him off. He notices several students giggling while pointing at him, most girls, some guys who seem confused. Oh gosh please don't spread rumors about him and Y/n. That's the last thing he needs to happen. He may find Y/n attractive but that doesn't mean that she deserves to suffer because of his feelings. She's a respectable young woman who shouldn't be dragged into a mess of rumors. So, Jimin grabs his tray of food and stands.

"Where are you going?" Y/n asks with concern in her tone. It melts his heart hearing her sound concerned for him. "People are staring. I don't want them to start rumors about you," he honestly replies. "Let them. I don't care about false rumors. We're going to see each other a lot whether you like it or not Mr. Park." In that moment he wants to say fuck it and sit back down. The way she said 'Mr. Park' totally has him secretly blushing, his heartbeat skyrocketing. It's just his name but she makes it sound so good. Fuck fuck fuck this is bad and wrong stop it Jimin!

"No, not on school grounds. We should at least limit it. I don't want people to spread rumors about you." Yoongi looks mildly pleased with Jimin's insistence. It's only the truth. He'll feel terrible if rumors spread about her just because she's friends with someone who's friends with Jimin. That's not a good thing. That's terrible in fact. Jimin shakes his head, "I'll see you in class tomorrow." Although she's about to protest he doesn't let her. He turns on his heel and walks away, ignoring the glances he gets from students. It's safe to say that his short career as a substitute is going to feel like a long one...

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