Chapter 1:

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My parents are divorced, and I grew up with my mom, sometimes visiting my dad. I was going to move to Forks, where dad lived, for a longer period of time and had to leave from the airport at four o'clock in the afternoon. When I arrived, my dad greeted me at the airport, and helped me carry my luggage. I was anxious to go home, after a 5 hour flight, from Florida to Forks. When we finally arrived home, we entered from the front door. Everything looked different than it did in the house in Florida. There was only one jacket in the wardrobe, the corridors were much smaller, there were only two pairs of shoes on the shoe mat and the staircase twisted up to the second floor. Dad wanted to make dinner. His kitchen was not that big, and it was a bit cluttered. You could not open the shelves and drawers very easily and it was filled with tons of colors, but that wasn't such a good thing because it made it look like it was the messiest kitchen you've ever seen. Unfortunately he only knew how to make salad or baked beans out of the can. I was very shy, just like him, that was the reason why we didn't talk much. I tried enjoying the simple dinner as much as I could. After supper, Dad showed me my room.
"Is this ok for you?" He mumbled at me
"Sure..!" I told him lying. He had not changed my room from when I was 4 years old. I still had my barbies, my doll house, and my small bed, which I could hardly fit in now. My room was much smaller than it was in Florida. All though it was a cosy little room, it was dimly lit. 2 of the walls were painted white, and the other 2 walls were slightly green. It was a nice color but it did not quite match to the other colors I had in my new room.There was only 1 thing that had changed. Dad had washed and changed my bed cover. It was now purple with black patterns,but I did not want to tell him that purple was the color I hated the most. He also got me one of those computers with a giant box behind it, which looked more ancient than ever.
That night, I could not fall asleep because of the raindrops banging against my window, making an echo in my room. I could never sleep with the noise of the rain, since I grew up in a city where it hardly ever rained. I kept on turning around, always banging my foot at the edge of the bed. Every time I turned, my wooden bed squeaked, which woke me up even more. After a couple of hours I finally fell asleep...
The next morning, when I woke up, I expected sunlight to be flooding in my room, like it always did, but unfortunately it was raining again, my mood dropped. As I was walking heavily downstairs, I heard my dad making breakfast. When I entered the kitchen, I saw a delicious breakfast on the table. There were cut strawberries, toast, cheese and marmalade on the table.
"Good morning Mia!" He said to me in a soft voice
"Good morning dad" I said sounding very tired
"How did you sleep?" He asked curiously
"Well, the rain was very loud and irritating, but everything else is fine" trying to not mention the problems with the bed.
"Dad, look, I just want you to know that I love you very much, but maybe ... you could ... try to treat me ... like a 16 year old girl...?" I tried not sounding rude
"Ok, I'll try. I just have to get used to you being grown-up"
We ate the amazing breakfast, that Dad had made for me, where it seemed liked we tried hard NOT to talk with each other. Mom was right. It seemed like dad really didn't want to talk with me, and that's exactly what she told me. He didn't ask anything and he didn't tell me anything either.
After 2 days I tried switching on the computer, that dad gave to me. I was very surprised that it worked. Before I could do anything, I had to blow off all the dust, so I could see something. I checked my mail, and heard a really weird noise. It took me a while to discover that it was a notification of the email. I had gotten two mails from my mum:
"Hi Mia,
Did you arrive safely?
Let me guess, it's raining again right? Is Dad being nice to you?
I miss you
Your mom"

"Mia, why aren't you answering? I'm starting to get worried.
If you don't answer, I'm going to call Dad!!
Your mom"

I decided to answer, so mom would not get worried:
"Hi mom,
"Calm down. I needed a bit of time to unpack, so I didn't switch on the computer.
It's raining here, like you said and Dad is like he always is. We don't talk much, but I am trying to enjoy the time I am here as much as I can.
I'm going to write again soon,
Your beloved Mia"

After answering the mails of my mom, I heard dad come home from work.
"Mia? Are you here?" He screamed through the whole house
"Yes, I'm in my room... " I said, trying to use my loudest voice that I could. When dad arrived, it reminded me that I still had to prepare for school, which started on Monday. I still had to pack my bag and get the documents I had to give to the reception.
"Dad, who is going to bring me to school on Monday? I can't walk all the way"
"Oh yeah, I still wanted to talk to you about that, because I have a little surprise for you, come with me..." He said very exited
"Do we have to go outside for it?" I asked confused
"Yes, put on your shoes, quickly!"
When I stepped out of the front door, I saw a big orange truck standing in front of me. It was dirty and old but at least it was a car.
"Is this for me?" I asked in delight
"Yes, this will get you to school!"
I waited until it was Monday, and it seemed like I was waiting for ages. When it was finally Monday I had to wake up early. I woke up at 7:00am in the morning. I was so tired because I could not fall asleep because I was so excited. When I was ready to go to school, I got in my new orange truck and drove to school. It took me quite a bit of time, but then after half an hour I arrived, and thought...

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