Chapter 2:

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The school was very crowded and everybody was pushing each other. I had to squish myself through the crowd to get to the reception. Before being able to join any classes, I had to give my documents to the reception lady. It took me a pretty long time to finally get my schedule to see what my first class was. I found out that I had to go to the biology lab. The school was so enormous, that it took me nearly 5 minutes to get from one class to another. All the classrooms were painted white, but they were already kind of grey, because all the students had scribbled on the walls with pencil. When I entered the biology class, I saw one group of girls sitting on a desk, chatting with each other. They pretty much all had blond hair and dressed like it was summer. They all wore shorts and tops, unlike me. I wore rain boots and a long shirt and long pants. As soon as they saw me, they screamed through the whole class:
"Hey look there, we have a new student in our class" they giggled
Those girls were very conceited when they said that, because everybody turned their heads and stared at me. My cheeks turned red, and I was too scared to even greet my new classmates. I just walked up to a free seat and sat down. A boy came over to me and greeted me. He was probably the only one that had not embarrassed me so far that day. He had blond, not short and not long hair, and green eyes.
"Hi there, my name is Eddy. Nice to meet you. I know it's a really messy school here, but I'm sure you'll get used to it. Maybe.." Then the teacher entered and interrupted our conversation. Eddy was very considerate towards me, compared to those nasty girls. Eddy went to sit down so fast, and then I knew what I was going to expect. A strict teacher. In fact I was right with my prediction.
"Silence! Everybody take your seats please!" He screamed "My name is Mr.Rodriguez. And if you don't want any trouble, you better keep your mouths shut. There are three simple, very simple rules in this class. Number 1: You listen when I speak! Number 2: You get your butts in here, as soon as the lesson starts. And number 3: I want everybody to put up their hands up when I ask a question!"
After the speech that the teacher held, I immediately knew that I would not like biology, especially the teacher. He even forgot to mention that there is a new student in this class. In this case, me. We immediately started class and he handed me our biology book that we are going to use during the year. Suddenly, a boy entered. He was very late for class, but it didn't seem like the teacher was so strict with him. There was only one free seat, which of course had to be next to me! I always had bad luck on the first day of school. He sat down on the seat beside me, but didn't say anything. He didn't greet me, he didn't look at me, he didn't even tell me his name. I had a feeling that he was different than the other boys that were in my class. But in a positive way, even though he acted very.... well... strange.
One boy of the class was Eddy. Even though he was very nice and kind, he scared me. He was starring at me the whole time. Another boy from the class was Taylor. He is a very shy boy, which meant that I didn't know anything about his character, since he didn't speak much. I didn't discover any other names of the boys and girls yet, but I definitely knew that I had to meet that boy that sat next to me closer. He did not seem very generous, but in some way I found him interesting.
In biology, I was too busy scribbling on a piece of paper, because I was so bored, that I didn't listen. And suddenly, of course, the teacher asked ME a question, which was a typical listening test from the teacher. I mean... they always ask the person that seems like the one that isn't listening at all.
"Mia Bogs, are you listening. I just asked you a question." He screamed at me
"Excuse me Mr.Rodriguez, what was the question?" I said, with my cheeks turning red. Everybody starred at me again, and I forced myself not to cry. I don't know why but when people stare at me, tears often come rolling down my cheeks. I slowly slid down my chair to hide my face under the table. I was begging, that the lesson was over, but unfortunately there was still half an hour missing. Mr.Rodriguez pulled the microscopes out of the shelf and put one on each table. He said that we have to share the microscope with the person which was sitting next to us. We were supposed to find bacteria that was on the slide. I felt kind of awkward because that weird boy, it is still in a positive, suddenly turned his head. One thing I found very surprising is that it seemed like he didn't have any friends. Which for me, was nearly impossible, because he looked pretty hot. He had brown hair and beautiful eyes.
My pair work with that strange boy was incredible. I mean that ironically of course. We had not done any work at the end of the lesson. I was so relieved to get out of that class with that crazy teacher.
My next class was English, where I met a couple of nice girls. Emily, Sophie, Madelyn and surprisingly another Mia. All their characters and personalities were pretty crazy, unlike mine but I still liked them. At least that was one good thing happened today. In English we got another giant book, but of course this wasn't of biology. It was an enormous book of grammar and literature. Than it seemed like my luck was increasing from bad luck to good luck, because in English we....

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