Chapter 6

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With papers in her arms as she looks up at the door, Ganyu prepares herself to knock. Making sure the bracelet is secure on her left hand it suppressed her bond's scent yesterday but wonders what is the limit.

The bracelet seemed to have worked overtime to keep her from pouncing on Keqing without a thought, She doesn't want any mishaps like when they first met. Even now she can see the purple glow behind the door and the faint scent of lavender clouding around her.

She takes a deep breath lets it out slowly then taps the door three times.

"Yes, Who is it?"

"It's Ganyu I have some papers from Lady Ningguang that need approval.

"Yes of course you can come in."

Ganyu prepares herself and opens the door.

When she does the lavender scent is stronger than from the outside of the room it hits for a few seconds the urge to touch Keqing is overwhelming then her senses calm into a dull.

Is it going to be like this all the time???

Her mind is reeling but her expression is calm.

"You can put the papers here."

Keqing moves a small stack of papers into a bigger pile and gestures to the now empty spot.

Ganyu walks closer to her bond the room is dense with Keqing's scent it was easier to deal with outside since there was clean air but in a closed room with nothing distracting her she wants to lose herself in Keqing.

She arrives at her bond's desk and gently puts the papers down not noticing Keqing staring at her.



"Would you like to go eat somewhere after work, If you are not too busy that is?

Ganyu didn't realize she was holding her breath as she answered.

"I would love to! I mean if it's not too much trouble..."

Keqing's eyes seem to spark at her answer as she takes Ganyu's hand and kisses them.

"Nothing is too much trouble when it comes to you."

Ganyu face flushes and her mind is going into overdrive once again as she looks into Keqing's purple eyes.





Then the bracelet brings her back to reality as Keqing stares at her with a look of confusion on her face.

"Ganyu Are you ok?"

She didn't notice that she was breathing heavily and quickly takes her hand away in a nervous reaction.

'I-I'm fine."

Keqing has a hurt expression and clears her throat caught off guard by Ganyu's behavior.

"So, where did you want to go for dinner, any preference?"

Ganyu smiles gazing into Keqing's with a shy expression on her face.

"Anything with Vegetarian dishes is fine I don't eat any meat."

"Then we can go to Wangshu Inn then I can meet you at the park we were at yesterday after work?"

"Yes, that's perfect."

Not wanting to end on a sour note with all of Ganyu's courage she bends down to kiss Keqinq on the cheek

"I will see you later!"

Ganyu scrambles out of the room leaving a blushing Keqing behind.

An Adeptus' Instincts (Ganyu x Keqing  Genshin Impact Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now